Author Topic: Amiibo Megathread - Shovel Knight Confirmed  (Read 54013 times)

not according to gamestop

target doesn't have wave three in yet aaa

the display lists them as coming soon still but i swear to god i'm getting a rosalina you guys

target doesn't have wave three in yet aaa

the display lists them as coming soon still but i swear to god i'm getting a rosalina you guys

your target doesn't have rosalina because there were people lined up at every target in america to get rosalina first this morning

your target doesn't have rosalina because there were people lined up at every target in america to get rosalina first this morning
FALSE they didn't even have any empty things

all the things were the bare basics like peach, mario, luigi etc. and there was no indication that it had changed. none of the other stores in the area had any wave III amiibos either so i think we just haven't gotten a shipment here yet

an my birthday's this wek so it'd b supr-sad if i don get my rosalina amibo... gosh dang it nentindo
« Last Edit: February 01, 2015, 09:02:56 PM by otto-san »

my friend won't stop buying amiibos and he has about 27 right now

rosalina amiibos listed as out of stock in my target my life is over i'm dead guys

rosalina amiibos listed as out of stock in my target my life is over i'm dead guys
shoulda pre-ordered

i was a fool o woe was me!!!

going to gaystop to see what amiibos they have

i'll take a pic on my 3ds so u can see what they had

well u were wronge you fricking idiot

I found luigi but I had to walk home on foot which caused me to almost get frostbite

let's hope the green bastard's worth it

also there was a diddy kong

pic coming soon because i can't take a picture at the gameshop
« Last Edit: February 02, 2015, 05:23:03 PM by Zanaran2 »

people actually go out of their ways to get luigi!?

dod luggy is p ok guy i saw this gameonce where he was lik the gostbusters,,,

When to pre-order wario amiibo I must know.