Author Topic: My Parents don't want to let me stay on when I want.  (Read 3018 times)

idk, wanting to do something besides sleep after 11:00 didn't sound very bratty

That moment whey your sitting there unable to sleep, and all you want is something to do till you get tired.

idk, wanting to do something besides sleep after 11:00 didn't sound very bratty
11 is a perfectly good time to sleep.

look, OP, i get where you're coming from, but i don't think they do this only because you go online - i think they are trying to enforce a "bed time" knowing that if you don't have internet at 10:00 what the hell are you gonna do but sleep. up until i was probably around 13 or 14 my parents wouldn't let me stay up past 9:00 because they wanted me to sleep and tbh i'm grateful for that because i didn't completely die of sleep deprivation like most of my friends did coming into high school. it also helped me realize that managing my bedtime is important, so nowadays i go to bed by 11 (usually 10:30) and get 7+ hours of sleep. i think they're doing it to help you.

i wouldn't go so far to say that he's being 'bratty', but i think he's misinterpreting the real motives behind their actions. maybe they aren't telling him that because it's setting a "bedtime" and that would feel too childish? or maybe i'm completely wrong. i just feel like they are pretty justified in doing that, and if you're not grateful for it now you probably will be later.

My parents generally don't give me any set times to go to bed.  I just go to bed when I think it's a good idea or when I feel tired.

Back when my router worked, I had free roam of the Internet no matter what time of day.  Sometimes, I'd just sit up on the forums or Blockland until 3am on Friday nights.  I see no reason why I'm not allowed to have a smartphone/computer.  Last Christmas though, I kind of got my way.

My mom kept hounding me to make a "wish list" for Christmas.  First item was a computer, second was a tablet, third was a smartphone, fourth was something else.  They noticed and explained how I can't have Internet technology for such and such reasons.  Instead of editing my list though, I just left it how it already was so it otherwise looked pretty bare.  Got an Android tablet on Christmas morning ;)

3 pages in and i just realized that post was there

anyways, at least you actually get to see the mornings on weekends, i'm too lazy to wake up until 1 pm, and i'm still drowsy

Good for them, putting their foot down. You could learn a little from them instead of being an entitled brat.
What the forget?
You are joking, right?
Using the internet that your parents are already paying for isn't being an "entitled brat."

What the forget?
You are joking, right?
Not in the slightest. I'm dead serious.
Using the internet that your parents are already paying for isn't being an "entitled brat."
Staying up beyond a designated bedtime and being defiant, however, is.

Staying up beyond a designated bedtime and being defiant, however, is.

I imagine your being "defiant" if you can't sleep either, right?

I imagine your being "defiant" if you can't sleep either, right?
There's a difference between being unable to sleep and staying up

There's a difference between being unable to sleep and staying up
This man gets it.

Staying up beyond a designated bedtime and being defiant, however, is.
Why on earth does someone his age need a bedtime in the first place?

it's actually pretty normal until 16

Why on earth does someone his age need a bedtime in the first place?
14 year olds should have bedtimes because they're 14. Even 16 year olds aren't understanding of how sleep works and how much is good and required for a healthy lifestyle.

flatflyer can't see this right now looooool

To be honest I think you should just deal with it.
All those days spent staying up until sunrise playing x is all time wasted when you look back on it, not to mention very unhealthy.