Author Topic: I've 100% had it with these loving islam asylum seekers  (Read 27216 times)

I actually mentioned that earlier and he dodged the question twice, but you're right.
I didn't "dodge the question," I ignored it, because it's irrelevant
Oh I get it now. You're saying that the spike in crime after refugee camps became active were actually perpetrated by local Dutch residents
do you see how aggressive OP is about it? and he's just a kid. that concept is very reasonable
Oh come on man that was a little exaggerated to make a point, but you got your sources that refugees are the center of a lot of issues. You can't deny that, whether it's violence or not.
even just saying that an eighth of them are is far too ridiculous to assume that it's correct and leave it at that. that is absurd at best
The safest thing to do is send them back. No repercussions soon is just going to make the situation worse.
what is safe about sending a bunch of people back to a war zone...?

what is safe about sending a bunch of people back to a war zone...?
Even if these claims are all false, what's safe about letting a bunch of unknown people who know very little about their new area, into a small community?

I don't like refugees, Scotland is in bad shape as it is. Why do we need more people to cause more trouble?

I don't like refugees, Scotland is in bad shape as it is. Why do we need more people to cause more trouble?
your main problem here is living in scotland

I didn't "dodge the question," I ignored it, because it's irrelevant

No, it's definitely relevant. It's basically the difference between talking to a logical human being and wasting my time with a New Orleans swamp dweller. The fact you still haven't answered the question basically tells me everything I need to know.

what is safe about sending a bunch of people back to a war zone...?
nothing really.

if your own citizens are suffering from people you let migrate to your country, you have to make a decision to solve the problem, be it sending them back, jailing the criminals, or whatever you care to suggest

no one said it would be fair for both parties

wasting my time with a New Orleans swamp dweller
I bet you Night Fox is gonna call you a tribal for this lmfao

Their religion is what makes them molest, read up on the issue.
i am going to frame this

here's a thought
has anybody actually tried educating and integrating these people into their new lives
because let's be honest, the middle east certainly isn't filled with high class schools that tell students all the details of other countries
so maybe before trying to 'do the right thing' it'd be wise to make sure they know how to act beforehand

i'm just throwing this out here on a hunch, no idea if any of the countries accepting refugees have tried or not

here's a thought
has anybody actually tried educating and integrating these people into their new lives
because let's be honest, the middle east certainly isn't filled with high class schools that tell students all the details of other countries
so maybe before trying to 'do the right thing' it'd be wise to make sure they know how to act beforehand

i'm just throwing this out here on a hunch, no idea if any of the countries accepting refugees have tried or not
There's so many of them in such a short amount of time that the infrastructure is not yet available to do that.
The first hurdle is even getting them properly registered and settled.

But while waiting for this to happen, all the crime is happening.

I'm sure there's a lot of Syrians that are grateful to be there but they honestly need to move them somewhere else
Some time ago they demanded to be let back on the bus they arrived on because the center they were being given shelter in was too 'sober'.
If I was fleeing from a war zone any roofed bed outside of a war zone would make me happy.
I also wonder why 70+% is male. If there was a war here I'd sent my family to a safe place and fight for my country here, not the other way around.

Also source because why not:
Literally says 'food too boring, tent too cold and no love'.

Did I mention students are being evicted from their student homes in large citites because they want to house asylum seekers there?

tbh i'm just waiting for army guy to spout out "sand mondays" unironically

smh go into another thread to see foxscotch pointlessly arguing again.

i agree with op here. so many of these people are acting like animals