Author Topic: try to summon any legendary users  (Read 6030 times)

I summon both Victory and Brian Smith so they can host.

with the power of this mate i will try to summon pie crust to bring chaos

they all prob got their accounts hijacked tbh LMAO

Why is snot the best summoner?  He did that in the old user check-in thread.

you'll need an ouija board for that
jesus you're right

I summon mother forgetin torin so I can talk trash about him

Ego autem populi, et de ridiculam de robust. I call upon you... RABBOT!

Why is snot the best summoner?  He did that in the old user check-in thread.
snot is actually a wizard

I vote nitramtj
sorry thats all I can do is vote

kahnu and ravencroft