Author Topic: Ki Megathread  (Read 7804 times)

Sums up the reason why ki should be revoked

Sums up the reason why ki should be revoked

Oops I meant this image darn

Oh hey this dude was on my test server not long ago. Kept talking about his snake and asking me to add a rocket launcher to the test minigame. Didn't know he was an actual problem user who has made real threats, I thought he was joking around lmfao

he came onto tom's server being a gaytard as usual

He came to nicepoint's server and started spamming

I've had to deal with Ki before. He's an asshat. /support

I have also had this guy join my server and start spamming. /fullsupport

He came to nicepoint's server and started spamming

True he came today too on the server and started to stufftalk towards mac workin and me.Was funny doe.

Well, he really likes the letter G
because he belongs to company G

because he belongs to company G
wait a second
SBG is ki confirmed

He just randomly joined the Rocket Jump server, called visolator a monday.
He was promptly banned by visolator.

He joined my server and he screamed at me like a spawn-killed six year old in CoD
"Drink bleach you (Insert random foul language here x9001)"
~Ki 2k16

He joined kenko's server earlier, commented on the number of accounts from 2009 or earlier, and then left without incident. I think he just has something against new players.

I have deactivated the following keys:
Ki's keys are revoked,