Author Topic: TreeAtmos Crashing Servers?  (Read 4571 times)

can we get a tezuni server crash megathread

when you get speedhack.dll, clearly the first option is to crash tezuni's servers

when you get speedhack.dll, clearly the first option is to crash tezuni's servers
it's the firing range for electronic weapons

Here's his YouTube channel.
He seems perfectly fine, why is he loving with hacks and crashing Tezuni's servers now though?

Here's his YouTube channel.
He seems perfectly fine, why is he loving with hacks and crashing Tezuni's servers now though?
he didnt actually know he had the hack on

He seems perfectly fine, why is he loving with hacks and crashing Tezuni's servers now though?

7:20 PM - TreeAtmos: R.I.P. TreeAtmos v0002 - v21. "Whoops, i got myself revoked"
7:20 PM - Masterlegodude: How?
7:20 PM - TreeAtmos: Accidentally crashed Teznui's server
7:23 PM - Masterlegodude: You were using speed hacks and stuff though, so i don't think it was all that accidental
7:23 PM - TreeAtmos: the speed hacks where on purpose
7:23 PM - TreeAtmos: the crash wasn't
7:23 PM - TreeAtmos: after the crash i decided just to go out and tell people i have blhack
7:26 PM - Masterlegodude: Well, that's why you shouldn't use hacks
7:26 PM - TreeAtmos: it was worth it
7:26 PM - Masterlegodude: Was it?
7:26 PM - TreeAtmos: yes
7:26 PM - TreeAtmos: i've been playing this game since v0002
7:26 PM - TreeAtmos: its think its time for something new
Well, good job wasting money and losing a game you could've always gone back to when you have nothing better to do

But if he was just gonna spend his free time hacking servers, well, good riddance

lmao everyone with the crash hack goes right for tezuni's "Oops! I hit my crash trigger lolllollll!"
I was fond of you tree, but this is bitter digustment. Good riddance.

lmao everyone with the crash hack goes right for tezuni's "Oops! I hit my crash trigger lolllollll!"
I was fond of you tree, but this is bitter digustment. Good riddance.
Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

so basically tree atmos decided to turn into the edge lord

guess he didn't really get revoked cause he just crashed my prison server again

Last console feed:
Got Connect challenge Request from
Got connect request from
  net name = TreeAtmos
AUTHCHECK: TreeAtmos = internet client -> internet server, regular auth
Auth Init Successfull: TreeAtmos
CADD: 116153
 +- bl_id = 28023
28023 TreeAtmos
 +- no auto admin
*** Sending mission load to client:
Slayer (Server): Sending Handshake: TreeAtmos

guess he didn't really get revoked cause he just crashed my prison server again

Last console feed:

Must've been another "accident".

We need an intervention.