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Topics - FaecDog

Pages: [1]
Off Topic / Body story (TV show)
« on: October 06, 2012, 01:26:05 PM »
so I found a show that ran on discovery from around 98 to 01 and apparently it's about your body and stuff, check it out because it make you moar smarterer. here's a more accurate description

Body Story is an educational science series focused on the human body and the biological processes it undergoes during distinct life events. The series has been praised equally for its educational content, impressive visual graphics, and engaging human stories. Produced by Wall To Wall for the Discovery Channel, episodes 1-3 were released in 1998 and episodes 4-7 were released in 2001.

Episode 1: Body Snatchers

Go inside the bodies of two women whose natural systems each must deal with foreign organisms trying to control its host: a flu virus and a growing fetus. The body's reaction to and changes from each "invader" are truly remarkable

Episode 2: Breaking Down

This episode explores the human body's miraculous power to build and regenerate its intricate structures, and how the inevitable dimishment of that ability brings about aging and death.

Episode 3: The Beast Within

Unravel the mysteries of the two most important organs in the human body - the heart and the brain. First, take a look at how frail the human heart is as an emergency team frantically works to save a heart-attack victim. Then, meet a man whose brain cannot correctly transmit signals - because he's consumed too much alcohol.

Episode 4: Teen Dreams

Follow the flow of hormones from pituitary glands on through the bloodstream of two young teens, Darren and Natalie, as the dramatic effects of puberty unfold. The month culminates with Natalie's first menstruation and a weekend party during which Darren's body seemingly does everything it can to ruin his chances with Natalie.

Episode 5: Crash - Pt.1, Pt.2, Pt.3, Pt.4

A husband and wife are critically injured in a car crash. See how the force of impact damages the delicate internal structures of their bodies - and how doctors work to save their lives.

Episode 6: Spreading Menace - Pt.1, Pt.2, Pt.3, Pt.4

The digestive system comes under scrutiny in this episode, as Mike, suffering from food poisoning, unwillingly plays host to thousands of salmonella bacteria. Then George tries to lose weight; his brain says diet but his body thinks famine.

Episode 7: Out of Control - Pt.1, Pt.2, Pt.3, Pt.4

This two-part story first explains how an infant's brain grows and develops, and how various sectors of the brain control different aspects of function. Part two takes you inside a woman who has been stung by a wasp. A subsequent sting triggers a massive and deadly allergic reaction.

Off Topic / oh my god there are worms in my butt
« on: September 18, 2012, 01:05:14 AM »
eww eww eww eww eww ewwwwww

my butt started itching today and it wouldn't stop, and I thought my veins might be a little irritated, so I brushed it off

then tonight I got so frustrated that I shoved my finger up my freaking butt because it was so itchy, and I pulled it out.

I saw a big worm a centimeter long. it was moving around my finger and probably thinking "what the hell is going on where are my babies and star fish food?" I immediately washed my hands off and now I can still feel the itchyness in my freaking rectum. oh my god this is disturbing


Off Topic / my brother needs better working hours
« on: August 26, 2012, 01:18:40 AM »
While I was at school, my brother was driving down a road by the highway while coming home. He started to fall asleep, and he swerved into a ditch and completely smashed the right hand side of the bed of his truck into a fence. He woke up as soon as the truck bounced out of the ditch, and he proceeded to drive home.

The next morning, I got in the car, and we began to pull out of the driveway. I saw the side where it wrecked, and I was startled. I pointed it out to my mom and sister, and my mom said "Oh my God! How did that happen?"

Well, I just told you.

We later found out from my brother that he was getting bad sleep. He worked all eight hours, slept from midnight to three, and worked eight more. He worked all week, too. I don't think that's healthy.

He wasn't hurt, but he seems to be a little upset, though.

I guess that's what you get for working at Arby's.

Off Topic / oh lord no
« on: July 10, 2012, 04:40:06 AM »
my room is an upstairs loft, and I live in it with my 27 year old brother. I was browsing the forums, when suddenly I heard a weird sound on the other side of the clothes hanger that separates us. I looked through a crack and I saw his webpage.

I think my brother is looking at research at 3 am

my brother thinks I'm asleep, so I'm too scared to confront him.

any ideas? D=

Off Topic / wtf is wrong with my teeth
« on: July 10, 2012, 03:04:23 AM »
This is my face.

A slightly mustauching entrepreneur ly face. Typical for a 12 year old, no?

Well, these are my teeth.

As I dramatically appear to turn into an 8 year old with down syndrome, you can see that my teeth are horrible and could be mistaken for a dog's.

Wtf is up with that? I've never had a cavity or tooth problem in my life except for ugliness and disorder. I've even had nightmares where all four of my first molars fell out and my gums were cut open and I could never eat again. That's right. I've had nightmares about this stuff. Those four teeth constantly tighten in an odd direction. I bite down, and then they loosen the tooth above/below it. I then push the first problem tooth into the proper direction, but then they both are loose. It happened on the other side, too. My teeth are like the government and economics. They're always completely messed up and there's one little problem that prevents me from fixing that.

And yes, I know they are yellow.

Puberty messes your routine the forget up.


that's why i'm up at 2 in the morning
holy stuff I'm posting about teeth at two in the morning

Off Topic / oh my god that's not hote
« on: June 03, 2012, 06:14:17 PM »
I was just on Chatroulette because someone told me to visit the site. I said why and they laughed and said "Just do it, it's cool" I did as he said.

I get hooked with a masturbating dude in his 30s



Off Topic / nope
« on: May 17, 2012, 12:49:13 PM »

Off Topic / I'm never breaking into a pool thanks to DyE
« on: May 16, 2012, 04:00:12 PM »
This video is freaking creepy. It's not surprising, though, considering I got there from a Containment Breach video.  :cookieMonster:

The video is here - watch at your own risk.

Don't have love, kids. Your friend will die and your eyes will set on fire.

Off Topic / FaecDog's Eerie Encounters Collection
« on: March 09, 2012, 06:33:47 PM »
Bathroom Barfanza

Today, I really needed to use the bathroom at our school. I walked across campus to get to the one place where there was a stall for the students, and went inside. I opened the stall door, and almost shat out my p-spot gland and swallowed my thyroid.

Someone had vomited everywhere.

I went to the headmaster to talk about it, but he sent me out threatening me with a demerit for making stuff up.

I told my teacher, but she only almost barfed herself and sent me away as well. All of my classmates thought either I was on crack or I did it.

So now there is backward ass all over the loving place and no one loving believes me, in which case I will loving use loving before a loving universal loving verb and loving noun because I am loving shrewd upon thanks to the loving asshattery of my loving school, and my loving mom loving slapped loving me for loving being a loving bitch about loving gross things.


carrot Discovery

Also, I was at my friend's house, and I asked to go to the restroom. I went in there, and I slipped on something and grabbed the handle of a pullout hamper inside a chest of drawers. I slipped and grabbed it and when I stood up it was open and I saw it and didn't know what it was so I picked it up and OH GOD IT WAS A YELLOW carrot THAT STARTED VIBRATING

i was at a friends house and walked into their bathroom to stuff. when i was done there was no toilet paper so i checked for some more under the sink. i found his moms. i didnt know what it was at first, then i realized and OH GOD



I opened one of the two drawers under our TV wall unit and all of a sudden pink vibrating carrot

love Traumas

Last night, I was on the computer late. I was about to go to bed because I was loving tired.
Before I did, I went to tell my mom goodnight, when suddenly..


My mom and my dad were both under the covers, and the bed was bouncing up and down. It was really squeaky, and I was about to yell, but instead I quietly closed the door, and will never forget that moment.


Off Topic / Light bulbs
« on: March 09, 2012, 02:57:43 PM »
SHIIIIT. I was listening to the radio this morning and found out that the old round light bulbs in your house made by those companies are banned. This is loving ridiculous. Now Obama is manufacturing fifty dollar light bulbs. And better yet, they call them green bulbs, even though they are filled with stuffloving mercury gas. It's probably somewhere on google if you search it.

What the forget, people.


Off Topic / i'm stuff scared now
« on: March 09, 2012, 02:00:30 AM »
I read the slenderman pasta on Wikia a week ago, and i'm really freaking out.
It mentioned the witching hour, and I looked it up on wikipedia and it's 1:00 AM.

please help me :(

Off Topic / A friend sent me a video today.
« on: February 26, 2012, 08:03:29 PM »
He said I might like it for some reason. I opened it up.


EDIT: for those of you who are 92 years old and can't see 'it' is a link:

Off Topic / How did you learn curse words?
« on: January 27, 2012, 03:47:43 PM »
I can feel the impending irony

Hey, guys! I was just curious, How did you learn to get YOUR potty mouths?! :D

Just explain how or where/from and how badly scarred you were!

I learned one from a Naruto video mixed with South Park audio

Every other 2 words were forget

I asked my mom what it was. "It's a bad word, don't say it."


Off Topic / I have chili.
« on: January 25, 2012, 07:01:39 PM »
Yes. From the wonderfully old and wrinkled and vericose vein ridden mother with no melanin in her skin,

I have hot, spicy, chili with carrots, onions, tomatoes, and delicious spices that are to be savoured delightfully and can cure a chest cold as quick as grandma.

Translation: My mom made chili.

Off Topic / Barefoot Gen
« on: January 06, 2012, 07:16:01 PM »
I don't know if anyone's seen this, (probably not) but I was browsing around videos about explosions on Youtube today and saw a creepy thumbnail titled "Barefoot Gen, Hiroshima Destroyed" I tried looking at it, but my internet was going insane and couldn't go there. So, I tried searching later on, but instead found the whole series by Mrcharrio. It was pretty intense when the bomb went off and stuff. I learned later on that he was only seven years old when the atomic bomb went off in Hiroshima and all that biz. But TOS says no vulgar images so I'll let you scar yourself for life for once.

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