Author Topic: post your bedroom poster edits :D  (Read 9950 times)

I didn't use paint nor Photoshop. I used xD I only use it because it has a big pencil tool. I lol'd at the Riddler poster because thew driver's hat has 'noob' on it.
« Last Edit: March 10, 2007, 11:51:10 PM by Jookia »

Bad shoop face.
Lolling at old images.
Acting like supreme forum king.
Jookia fails.

Bad shoop face. I made it bad on purpose; to look crappy.
Lolling at old images. I lol at anything that's funny.
Acting like supreme forum king. Nope.
Jookia fails. Yah, in your opinion.


okay, enough with the shoop da whoop's (even if deathwish posted my second favorite one :D)

NO! I promised that I'd make one, And I did.


that should be the default one now.

Lol, that would be awesome if Badspot replaced it with the Shoop Da Whoop in the next update.

omg i love shoop! theyre all so funny

my second