Author Topic: I think I might have a sleeping disorder  (Read 2072 times)

does anyone know if kids can get insomnia?
just curious, i know i never have had it before 18, and ive only ever heard adults talk about it


god I wish I could fall asleep in a half hour


i can fall asleep anywhere between 5 minutes and an hour. seems to go up the earlier i go to sleep ;_;

i have a very hard time falling asleep because i can't lay in one position for more than 5 minutes. anyone else like this?

lol brother get on my level I havn't slept for 2 days and I don't know why. enjoy your time in hell loser B^) it's cool in here

Shut your loving mouth, what is wrong with you?

Also I can only fall asleep on the couch downstairs even though I hear the pool filter down here wtf
« Last Edit: November 29, 2017, 02:19:51 PM by Darth C3P0² »

it relaxes your body when your body doesn't want to relax. the only negative thing is it can make you feel like you're spinning when you close your eyes. maybe that only happens to me idk.
Insomnia is apparently something a lot of people suffer when they drink alcohol. Whenever my friends and I have a big night out and stay at a hotel or someone else's house; we always instantly pass out when we are going to sleep, but then wake up unreasonably early. They all tell me they also have trouble getting a full nights sleep when they're drunk.

Mind you it could also be due to the caffeine put in alcoholic drinks and mixers. My friends particularly like jager bombs which are disgusting imo, they contain energy drink.
« Last Edit: November 30, 2017, 06:07:15 AM by General »

insomnia is a meme stop self diagnosing yourself and fix your loving sleep schedule
also op is 15 what are you talking about with alcohol lol
I said "if he was old enough", lol

Also I can only fall asleep on the couch downstairs even though I hear the pool filter down here wtf
Maybe try some sleeping music that has waterfall sounds or something like waves at the beach

take melatonin at your ideal bedtime. eventually you will actually get tired at that time.

i fall asleep in like five minutes what the forget is wrong with you guys

Maybe try some sleeping music that has waterfall sounds or something like waves at the beach
Thats stuff, I listen to Motley Crue n stuff :P

melatonin never did anything for me personally

got knocked out for the first time in my life this summer and i bit the stuff out of my gums when i hit the floor. the pain was ridiculously annoying for 4 days-- before bed i'd take a swig of whiskey to wash out my mouth and it helped knock me out. not saying a few shots of liquor should become a regular pre-sleep routine, but i never woke up early or groggy because of it

strong painkillers have done the job well too but i don't forget w that

ambient noise (blizzard wind, thunderstorms, tides) and flickering lights (fireplace, candles) have always helped me relax and fall asleep quicker