Author Topic: Despair Syndrome: Murder Mystery with more focus on Mystery (STATUS UPDATE pg22)  (Read 56600 times)

I dream of NEEERDs in binary, apparently.

Admins on the server, pleece?

Admins on the server, pleece?
you asked at like 3 am according to my timezone but here you go

edit: server had a stroke and died apparently, please stand by
« Last Edit: April 09, 2016, 09:33:54 AM by Cybertails1998 »

When will there be admins on so we can play?

Sorry guys, this is on a hiatus right now. I'm gonna be in 'Muricuh for the duration of the summer, so I dunno if I'll be able to work on this till autumn.
« Last Edit: November 14, 2016, 03:25:57 AM by Crystalwarrior »

Another update: I'm possibly going to remake this in the near future as a standalone game, maybe an even more generalised "murder mystery engine" for all multiplayer murder mystery fun times, thoughts?

Standalone game sounds good. "Murder Mystery engine" sounds too specific though. How could you possibly generalize that? A general game engine looks good though.

Another update: I'm possibly going to remake this in the near future as a standalone game, maybe an even more generalised "murder mystery engine" for all multiplayer murder mystery fun times, thoughts?

Do it

When will you host this server ever again? I miss it so much.

It's public on GitHub. Anyone can host it.

Can't download for some reason? It's froze.

I mean, you can download it but there's tons of missing addons