Author Topic: Guns made out of bricks! [Update #1]  (Read 2121 times)


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« Last Edit: August 26, 2015, 05:52:52 PM by AdinX »

These look nice, I've never seen anything like this attempted before

What's their scale compared to a player's?

Yea, i'm agree, looks so realistic. And about the size you're asked - they are 4x4 or 5x5 bricks around. Might be good for making in-game icons (but they can increase brickcount). Anyway, very good and comparing of what i seen before those looks VERY cool and realistic. Keep it up.

These look nice, I've never seen anything like this attempted before
I remember suggesting to Khain one day to model weapons that looked like they were made with small bricks but I pitched them by building guns that weren't and did not look like guns and the idea was out the window. These on the other hand look pretty cool!

Yes, I think OP meant to say M-16 (?)

Yes, I think OP meant to say M-16 (?)
you are quite right, I meant the M4
edit: TECHNICALLY right, they're the same base model

I'll fix it on the next update, might just start updating this topic whenever I feel tickled to make guns, more than likely at least an update every day for the next 3-4 days

These are optical illusions are they not?
Edit: And by that I mean not all in the same plane

They're very nice regardless

reminds me of how peopl used the editor wand to make weapons in v0002
back when staticshape bricks was a thing

Only the Colt actually lol, because of the nature of the horizontal round, placing a plate on top made the gun look like it had a LOT of empty space for the scale. So I have a small vertical print brick in front of the gun. Other parts of some guns are of course on different planes as well, such as roostering levers, the sights tend to be vertical print corner plates, and on the M4 the laser sight is off the plane.