Author Topic: Simple Keypad Events  (Read 2246 times)

Simple Keypad Events
Version 1.0

A simple keypad event system to simplify making passcoded doors! Has VCE support to access and view the passkey, and can be used to create string patterns.

fxDTSBrick > inputPassKey [string] Appends the indicated string to the current stored input passkey on the designated brick (named brick or self)
fxDTSBrick > displayPassKey Chats the current passkey to the client who triggered the event.
fxDTSBrick > clearPassKey Clears the stored passkey on the indicated bricks.
fxDTSBrick > checkPassKey [passkey] [salt] Checks the stored passkey against the passkey in the event. When changing the password, make sure the salt field is cleared so a salt to encode the passkey will be generated.

will be automatically converted to

onPassKeyCorrect Called if the passkey is correct when checkPassKey is called.
onPassKeyIncorrect Called if the passkey is incorrect when checkPassKey is called.


To access the passkey with VCE, use <var:br:passkey> or <var:brick:passkey>. The BLID of the last person to edit the password (inputPassKey, clearPassKey) is also stored in <var:br:lastInputPassKey>.


pretty cool it has vce support