Author Topic: Marble Man and Filipe1020's Vehicle Customization GUI Development Topic  (Read 25887 times)

After this whole time we all know this thing deserves a modiffication topic, we think that a lot of the players on Blockland always wanted to customize their own cars and make it unique that fits with their style instead of only changing it's color, well this mod can clearly make this possible!

This is a support add-on, which means that if you make vehicles, you can make you're cars to be customized and that can work with this GUI, you can choose the list of parts that is allowed to be changed, model different parts and even more! And if a player don't have the GUI on your server, he can use commands to entrepreneur  up his ride

Car Customization Preview -

And it's out already! Have fun
(make sure to download a car that it's supportable with it first)
« Last Edit: October 21, 2013, 12:24:49 AM by Filipe »

Current Support Features
  • Support for as many parts as you want
  • Support for multiple types of cars
  • Support for editing parts of cars
  • Support for multiple gui client mods
  • Support for saving/loading vehicles
  • Support for adding more parts without changing a vehicle's base code

To create a vehicle with these features follow these guidelines:
Name nodes accordingly (Part_A_A)
The A's are numerals, for example, if you have 3 nodes of a hood, you would name each of those nodes "Hood_A_A", "Hood_A_B", and "Hood_A_C".
If you want another hood, you would name it "Hood_B_A" and so on.

Inside of each vehicle using the support is a text file that reads all of the nodes, ui names, and node counts
Here is an example:

VEHICLE   VehicleTypeName

Body   Default   6

Front   Default   5

Back   Default   7
Back   New Name   3

Side   Default   -1   (-1 means no nodes, 0 is stupid)

Hood   Default   1

Roof   Default   3

Spoiler   Default   -1

Tire   Default   VehicleTire   (You put datablock instead of node count)
Tire   Other   OtherVehicleTire

you can put however many vehicles inside the text file you want, but when you type VEHICLE(tab)Name, It will clear all the current nodes, so make sure they are all in that once section
All nodes listed first in their group are the default nodes

In your code
in vehicle datablocks, put this:


"VehicleType" is from that "VEHICLE(tab)Name" from before

function whateverVehicle::onAdd(%this,%obj)

that will make your vehicle hide all nodes that aren't the first in the listings
« Last Edit: October 17, 2013, 05:33:39 PM by MARBLE MAN »

The GUI seems kind of plain and not pretty, like it could be for such a cool thing.
I like the idea of making it more like the player customization GUI.

The GUI seems kind of plain and not pretty, like it could be for such a cool thing.
I like the idea of making it more like the player customization GUI.
The GUI on the video is just a Beta test
« Last Edit: September 27, 2013, 11:49:07 PM by Filipe »

The GUI seems kind of plain and not pretty, like it could be for such a cool thing.
I like the idea of making it more like the player customization GUI.
It's a temp gui so I can get all the hooks down
It should look just like filipe's concept art in the suggestion topic

I hope this gets finished soon so Filipe and I can get back to the bedroom workshop on our bot-vehicle topic.

Great work though, i love this so much. Changes everything about blockland vehicles to come.

Wow the video has 50 views already!

You gunna do events for these, because that would be handy for so many purposes.

You gunna do events for these, because that would be handy for so many purposes.
If you really want, I can release a seperate mod for events, but It won't work too well with the support script :/

You should contact me for sound design. Not to flash around my sound-design-abilities as usual, but I literally have some cool ideas.
Maybe make an emitter like this one aswell as a cool sound effect mixed with that sort of drill (or whatever its called) sound after on the specific part when added.

You should contact me for sound design. Not to flash around my sound-design-abilities as usual, but I literally have some cool ideas.
Maybe make an emitter like this one aswell as a cool sound effect mixed with that sort of drill (or whatever its called) sound after on the specific part when added.

You should contact me for sound design. Not to flash around my sound-design-abilities as usual, but I literally have some cool ideas.
Maybe make an emitter like this one aswell as a cool sound effect mixed with that sort of drill (or whatever its called) sound after on the specific part when added.
That actually sounds like a great idea, like a *poof* effect when a new part is added could be nice.

That actually sounds like a great idea, like a *poof* effect when a new part is added could be nice.
i think a gmod weld sound would be nice :o