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Messages - Mouse droidz 21

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Hootaloo and Unova/verification

Off Topic / Re: H3H3 is a scumbag
« on: November 17, 2018, 07:42:20 PM »
Apparently he blames it all on 'muh depression'
There is a tendency in depressed people to stir things up and I have seen this before. By being in an extremely negative mind-state, some people may spread negativity around as a reaction to it. Not saying every depressed person is like this

Games / Re: Smash Bros. Ultimate / Pre Order To Unlock Parrot Grass
« on: November 16, 2018, 03:26:02 PM »

The advertisement is perfect with the song Mr. blue sky

Off Topic / Re: iBan made a video on Sephiroth and the BLF
« on: November 16, 2018, 08:10:52 AM »
I thought Iban got ran out from KF?
Swear he got ran out for stuff posting and being the "Defender of Chris Chan" as ED calls him

Are you just really lazy at reading the recent topics
not really, some people have really serious, important business to be getting on with in their lives, I don't have much time to read a longitudinal drama involving an autistic person on a block building forum

by the way I'm not really part of the Sicilian mafia, pls dont keel me :(

can someone give me a simplistic explanation to who sugar is and why she's constantly mentioned in most drama topics

I'mma be honest here, people like me shouldn't really focus so much on different countries problems. Even though I lived in the US for 2 years and have friends in New York, I still shouldn't really talk about things I don't know the most about. I think the media is to blame, shoving this stuff in our faces all the time and making people talk about it. I know loads of people that talk about US politics yet they live here, or some even talk about the middle east yet they live here in the UK

Off Topic / Re: who is your favorite fictional character
« on: November 09, 2018, 09:57:13 AM »
I have quiet a few that I just love the most, their back stories, their attitudes, voice actors, everything about them is perfect:

Thel 'Vadam - By far the character I have identified with the most, I love Thel, I loved playing Halo 2's story as Thel, I prefer him over master chief. Thel has some serious wisdom and is by far the best character I've ever seen in a game before.

Luis Lopez - One of my fav GTA protagonists, Luis is a character who works for the rich but doesn't really like their lifestyles. Luis is a really badass character that doesn't take stuff from anyone and his story is great. Luis has a really good personality too

Carl Johnson - CJ would come second on my list of favorite gta protagonists, playing GTA SA was like building a real empire in a whole country. Much similar to Luis, CJ doesn't take stuff from anyone and gets the ending he deserves

Little Jacob (GTA IV) - By far the greatest tritagonist of all time, little Jacob really helps Niko in GTA IV and is one of those guys you wished you had as a best friend. There will never be another Little Jacob

Wolf O'donnel - my smash bros main, Wolf is a rather badass character too

Sombra (overwatch) - my overwatch main, everything about Sombra is perfect

Niko Bellic (GTA IV) - Similar to Thel', Niko's wisdom and thoughts is what made GTA IV the best story out of all the others. I keep coming back to GTA IV because of how great the story is, while I never bothered much with TLAD, TBOGT and IV were brilliant games

others I like too:

JC Denton
Paul Denton
Max Payne
Genji (overwatch)
Tony Montana
Christopher Soprano
Sgt. Johnson (Halo)
Robofish (Timesplitters)
Reaper splitter (Timesplitters)
SCP - 049
V (V for vendetta)
Lucio (Overwatch)

There are many more that I must be forgetting 

may I ask why all Americans are against gun control? when I mean gun control I don't mean remove all the weapons (and yes I have said before no guns no problems, but this won't ever work) I mean regulate it in a way so delinquents are unable to gain access to one. There should be stricter background checks, those with criminal records, depression or autism should be denied a gun. It's as if anyone would be willing to trust those people with a weapon, why are Americans so against this

Off Topic / Re: [NeWS} youtube shuts down guy for punching lady in rdr2
« on: November 08, 2018, 10:24:16 AM »
loving liberals strike back again

Games / Re: Overwatch Megathread
« on: November 04, 2018, 03:27:42 PM »
Can someone please explain to me why Americans hate Hanzo's on their team?

drop AWP pls, you have enough money
drop awp pls

« on: November 02, 2018, 01:56:07 PM »
loving amazing

Off Topic / Re: [damnit] MF DOOM suffers massive ischemic stroke
« on: November 01, 2018, 05:30:31 PM »

MF DOOM's producer Jneiro Jarel suffers stroke

MF DOOM and Jneiro Jarel are two different people
Oh, jesus christ I thought it was MF DOOM

Games / Re: Smash Bros. Ultimate / Pre Order To Unlock Parrot Grass
« on: November 01, 2018, 05:29:55 PM »
I need a Piranha plant plush, now I've seen everything

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