Author Topic: STEAM WINTER SALE ASDF - now over :c  (Read 55504 times)

BUY ME STUF PLS (I'll trade TF2 Items, Coal, and/or coupon)

I'd like Saints Row: The Third, Killing Floor, MW2 and Amnesia.

I might also trade some TF2 items.

valve gave me dota 2 for christmas :D

valve gave me dota 2 for christmas :D
All i got is coal :(, a 50% off mumbo jumbo complete pack, and another stuffty coupon.

valve gave me dota 2 for christmas :D
Dufe the game isn't even out what the stuff balls I jelly.
How much does coal roughly go for money wise?

Willing to trade -25% Valve and -50% FEAR Collection for HL2 Episodes 1 or 2

L.A. Noire would look good mounted on my Library fireplace.


Trading 2 peices of coal and -50% Valve coupon for terraria