Author Topic: Quark Errors  (Read 4751 times)


I am trying to export a test map I have made but I get wierd errors that I dont know how to fix.
What do I need to do to fix them.

Well, do you have C:\torque\tmpquark\map2dif_DEBUG.EXE?  Because that seems to be the problem

I have mine setup so that where it says 'Directory of Torque Files', I just have that aimed to a folder called "Hammer Files" (I use Hammer and QuArK), and for the "program executable" i have it aimed at the map2dif_DEBUG.exe inside my Hammer Files folder. 

Make sure that it's aimed at the correct things.


Hey thanks that fixed my second error. My first error still seems to come up but I hit ignore and it generates the tmpQuArK folder with the map and textures. So hopefully my map works... wait I dont know how to test it.

Put all the textures used in the interior and the .dif into base/data/interiors

EDIT:  @ First error:  I'd delete all the unused entities that you have.


Sorry noob question. What are unused entities and how do I find them?

Sorry noob question. What are unused entities and how do I find them?
Well, on the left (in the panel) where it says "duplicator" and "cube" and such, there may be some unused ones.  I just delete them all then start a map with that part blank.


Thanks its fixed now.

Thanks its fixed now.
Anytime.  Ask if you need any more help.