Author Topic: Free Rider HD (elaborate op coming soon)  (Read 499 times)

Do any of you remember Free Rider 2, by One More Level? Probably not, but it was amazing as a kiddo, and was an awesome time killer. This may be super late, but I have found an updated remake of the software, called Free Rider HD. You can share tracks online (before you had to exchange codes, though that option still works for uploading old maps) race against other player's ghosts, and build your own crazy course with all sorts of twists and turns. You can also play through a single-player campaign.

Completing levels in the campaign will earn you points, which gauge your progress, and some coins, which can be spent on customizing your character.

« Last Edit: February 13, 2015, 06:03:13 PM by Zanaran2 »

Bump, I'm looking to race other players. Send a friend request to Zanaran2 (on the site) when you join.

how do i pause and play?

how do i pause and play?

controls are beneath the main game window btw

I think I remember playing this back in middle school. Good times indeed.

I think I remember playing this back in middle school. Good times indeed.

i thought it was a sledder? or am i mistaken?

i thought it was a sledder? or am i mistaken?
you're mistaking that for line rider, another equally amazing game