Author Topic: Should I host this server again?  (Read 687 times)

Psyches Grapple Knife Array TDM

   I was wondering if I should host this again. It was alot of fun and I found the save again and I have improved some aspects of the minigame. Would you join?

Here are some pics:

Extra Info~ You can go under each cube, and on the floor there are trampolines to launch you back up to the top. On occasion weapons will spawn when the game is dragging on. The weapons that can be spawned by admins are 4 bows, 4 swords and 3 blowdarts. All separately spawned.   

I wouldn't join, but I imagine there are some people who haven't associated "grapple knife" with "generic" yet.

Oh my god a (grapple) knife TDM!
I've never seen such an amazing concept on a server so far!

I am sorry, but i think we have enough knifing around.
But you're free to host whatever you want.
I would recommend something else though.

I wouldn't join, but I imagine there are some people who haven't associated "grapple knife" with "generic" yet.
I see your point totally lmao, That name is generic, but the design of the map puts a whole new curve on the gameplay. Whatever the feedback, I don't care, I did post this topic for a reason! Thanks :)

repurpose the build

turn it into a rocket-spammer dm or something

repurpose the build

turn it into a rocket-spammer dm or something
I actually have a build extremely similar to this that is for that!

I dunno know.

I like the map layout but it needs better colors. Also don't do a grapple knife, do like a short range gun or something tdm.

I dunno know.

I like the map layout but it needs better colors. Also don't do a grapple knife, do like a short range gun or something tdm.
You mean like grapple pistol? along those lines?

This is my rocket DM build:

The pads that are floating are just platforms, and the pads on the floor are trampolines.