Author Topic: Habbo  (Read 3325 times)

Dude I'm fourteen I'm in the middle of the eighth grade. I really do not like your tone, I cuss when it is appropriate. I have never met you before, but at this moment I'm going to say that you aren't very nice. 
Again, I list:
1. Doubtful.
2. Cuss.
3. Kiss my ass.

Anything I ever do here turns into an argument =\.

Anything I ever do here turns into an argument =\.
Well your a forgettard.

Well your a forgettard.

I love it when people use this argument but forget to spell it "you're".

I love it when people use this argument but forget to spell it "you're".

I play this like once a month. Its alright, but its a rip off. I didn't buy any coins even though I have 126 coins cause I made people call this number that would get me free coins. I just go on it to see whats new. Like I do in Runescape, and a few other games. I check up on most of the games you hate, but only like once every other month, for about ten minutes or so.

I like it and how the economy works. Im not that rich i have... about 20 or 25 hcs i use to have 70.

Played from 2003 to 2007

I never bought any credits, by the end i had over 100 000 worth of credits in furniture.

Then they kept updating it and changing crap which got annoying, then there was like a tidal wave of 12 year olds suddenly.

4chan is a big hive of fat guys w/ no lives and n00bs who are trying to be cool, they disgrace computers.

Anonymous is a part of 4chan, just for your info.

Club penguin=Habbo=Gaia=ghey