Author Topic: Kerbal Space Program Megathread (KSP) - DMP SERVER IS BACK UP  (Read 71078 times)

I am hobo so I use attached img since I am actually lazy not hobo

I admire your lack of FAR.

« Last Edit: February 11, 2016, 01:37:50 AM by Jubel »

I made little RCS probes that help me build my stations, because I like to ferry up large amounts of parts in one go.

ugh if the cursor wasn't in those shots I would use those as backgrounds

(20k posts)
« Last Edit: February 11, 2016, 02:28:53 PM by Maxwell. »

ugh if the cursor wasn't in those shots I would use those as backgrounds

Gaussian blur on skims the time down to like 1 minute a picture, for the most part I just used the filltool lol

newest addition to space station big jew

Im mod surfing now on Kerbalstuff, tell me some mods I should get. But dont dare say FAR

Im mod surfing now on Kerbalstuff, tell me some mods I should get. But dont dare say FAR
Toy Solar System is a really fun mod that makes all the planets 10x smaller
it makes career mode fun
only problem is the parachutes don't function very well because of the incredibly thin atmosphere on the planets, so you have to cheat in your first liquid fuel tank and engine to start properly

Kerbalstuff is shutting down. God bless its creator.