Author Topic: Who are the worst people on blockland?  (Read 14706 times)

I am doing this because it will be really helpful for the future which will cause us to have less problems.
I am serious. Post down on the comments who you think the worst players are.

People who have been nominated and how many votes: Tezuni (1)

I'll start first,
Tezuni hosts many servers and somehow gets to the top, even through his builds means nothing, most of the admins are complete jerks and cheat, rarely comes on, doesn't fix anything, steals builds, flames people and does other stuff. 

i'm the second worst person on blockland

besides op

people who host servers you don't like are not by any means the "worst people on blockland"
how about people who actually do things to hurt the game


these r the wurst peepl!

tezuni's jail escape and slopes ctf are actually both fun servers

basdpot is relly evel, he stolet game from rrobolx. COPY WRITE!!E?!!!!!!!!!?!??!??///slahs;1!1221oneeert;'443

Computermix / valcle, Okiver, Betelgeuse for their hacking / attempts to defile BL

Zapk because he lost his bag of attention

ThCIAmewtwo (forumer) for ID Discrimination and refusing to listen to those with a higher ID than his (good riddance)

Tezuni because a lot of people hate him

OP Because of his egotistical insult to Tezuni, because he has no control over his admins, but refuses to De-Admin them for some unknown reason.

That is my list.

Tezuni hosts many servers and somehow gets to the top, even through his builds means nothing, most of the admins are complete jerks and cheat, rarely comes on, doesn't fix anything, steals builds, flames people and does other stuff. 

ThCIAmewtwo (forumer) for ID Discrimination and refusing to listen to those with a higher ID than his (good riddance)


anyone who hosts family arpee
"do you like arpee?"

zapk because he doesn't host randomizer DM anymore ffffsss

irs bobiluy bobbyspot since be ban people and itno fair