Author Topic: [Server] Downed v4  (Read 11776 times)

might want to add addon updater support, its tiring downloading the addon again because of a new update.
I do not like support updater

God damn it. Not this again.

$Pref::SwolDowned_RevengeMode   false   Revives all downed players if the person who downed them dies

Perfect for dodgeball servers.

Perfect for my COD server!

Perfect for dodgeball servers.
I originally was going to say "Like in dodgeball sometimes" when I suggested this, but it didn't make it into the final version of my post apparently.'
Swollow for best add-on creator 2016

By the end of this I'm going to need a txt file to keep track of how to use these things, Here's a download if you forget a lot.


By the end of this I'm going to need a txt file to keep track of how to use these things, Here's a download if you forget a lot.


I already did that for you
open up Server_Downed/server.cs and at the top are all the prefs

Having an issue with this and Endless Zombies. whenever I lethally hurt a Zombie it activates all nodes/turns all white and goes downed. Any way to just make zombies die and not go down?

This looks nice!

As for an alternative to sitting down upon being downed, you could tumble the player for the amount of time it takes for him to bleed out, then un-tumble him when he gets helped up?