Author Topic: How do I manually add to BANLIST.txt?  (Read 722 times)

I want to ban people from my server before they even join, but how do I add to the list? I don't quite understand it.

commandToServer('ban',0,IDHERE,-1,"Reason here");

commandToServer('ban', 0, 23361, -1, "Helping me in Help.");

Note: editing banlist.txt manually in notepad will not update the banlist if the server is currently running. and your changes will even be overwritten once you ban another player

In the server console you can also do: banBLID(bl_id, time (-1 for perm), "reason here");

There are some add-ons that do it for you.

found it
Are you sure that's the right one? I'm looking for one that can be used anywhere, basically an add-on that lets punch in some numbers, and it'll put stuff on banlist.txt

That topic has two add-ons, it's the second one.

I should update the custom ban. It has issues with dates and you can't disable the expire message time