Author Topic: What are your biggest screw-ups in gaming, if you have any?  (Read 3719 times)

Buying roblox OBC instead of blockland. Getting scammed on roblox. Giving someone 1 refined (TF2) instead of like 6. Touching MW3. Going on the forums when i first joined (btw i was 11). Buying Infestation: survivor stories.

cities xl, simcity 2013... those are really the only games i can think of where i got really screwed over

cities xl, simcity 2013... those are really the only games i can think of where i got really screwed over

how is cities xl a failure? the graphics are amazing!
same with simcity, but all we need is bigger maps, terraforming, and singleplayer, then everyone will be as happy as a camel on Wednesday.

I sold a 50 dollar CSGO weapon for 5 bucks accidentally because I got confused with the names.

I sold a 50 dollar CSGO weapon for 5 bucks accidentally because I got confused with the names.
oh god

reminds me of all of the unusuals on the market for like 2 or 5 dollars

buying RAGE and LA Noire
worst games ever

Buying Little Inferno.

It's like you play it once then never again.
Did you enjoy the experience? If you did then it's not a screw up.
It's like eating an expensive meal, you don't have to throw it up and eat it again, if you enjoyed it then it was worth it.

i sold a key for 1 dollar

buying sonic and the secret rings for wii. was not worth 50$ at the time or anytime.

pretty much buying any game on steam when it wasnt the sale

using keys in tf2 prior to them being worth 6 ref.

Pre-ordered BRINK.
It's a lot of fun, but the lack of reliable multiplayer and the intense lag make things get old pretty fast.

Buying Defiance pretty much. I lag like hell over there. Not to mention that you need to buy some stupid expansion pack to continue the storyline as well as some swords.

Being an easy target for trolling a couple years ago.
Worst mistake.

I bought TF2 a year before the f2p update. I don't even have the proof of purchase anymore, I don't know where its gone but oh well.


I miss those vanilla days so much. The game got so stupid and became "it's a hat with a squid on it, hahaha!"

Losing physically all data from  2006 onward to 2010 including a metric ton of antique RTB v1.045 photos and saves.