►►►Return to Blockland Tutorial (Version 1)

Author Topic: ►►►Return to Blockland Tutorial (Version 1)  (Read 16678 times)

This tutorial is meant to help the people that need it be able to understand and learn how to use the Return to blockland mod.

Return to Blockland V1.045 Mod Tutorial Guide
(For Blockland 0002)

How to start the mod
Simply open the folder the game is located in and double click on  Play RTB .

The controls (Basic)
To edit the controls to your liking simply go into options at the startup screen or hit Ctrl+O in game.

W - Move forward
S - Move backward
A - Sidestep Left
D - Sidestep Right
F - Freehands (clears tools)
Q - Freeze me (NOTE: This function will begin to malfunction after awhile due to a glitch in the mods coding.)
R - Sit (NOTE: This function will begin to malfunction after awhile due to a glitch in the mods coding.)
Space - Jump
Shift - Crouch
Ctrl+<number> - Drops item.
Alt+S - Takes screen shot
Left Alt+<Numpad number> - Moves brick more quickly

Mouse controls
Left mouse click - Weapons fire/Places preview brick
Wheel mouse click - Letter can (White and black).
Right mouse click - Jetpack
Placing a brick
To place a brick you must first find the brick you need. Bricks are organized via 1 though 5 in the inventory. Scroll through the list to find your brick then left mouse click. This will make the preview brick appear. Use the Number pad (NOTE: This game will be quite hard to play on with a laptop) to maneuver the brick.

Brick controls
+ Moves brick one full brick size up
5 Moves brick one full brick size down
1 moves brick one flat size down
3 moves brick one flat size up
7 Rotates brick
9 Rotates brick
2 Moves brick towards you
4 Moves brick to your left
6 Moves brick to your right
8 Moves brick away from you
* Scales brick up
/ Scales brick down
Special settings
U - Undo your last brick
Tab - Changes from first to third person view
F2 - Scoreboard
F5 - Rules
F8(admin feature) - Ghost on
F7(admin feature) - Ghost off
Ctrl+T - Private message system (Note: System has a problem with GUI. If you do not see the person you wish to PM simply drag the window down more.)
Ctrl+W - Scrolls through the wrench settings
Ctrl+E(Editor wand users) - Activates the Editor wand menu
Ctrl+A - Opens Admin panel
Ctrl+S - Opens User Panel
Creating a non-letter can message on a brick
To create a non-letter can message on a brick hit Ctrl+S and type your message in the message box at the very bottom (Note: Some users may not see the message box if in 640X480 resolution). After you write your message click on  apply message  and exit the window. Scroll through the wrench mode settings (Ctrl+W) until you see  Brick message mode  or the such. Take out your wrench (In inventory 5) and hit your brick. The message should appear.

Using the editor wand
The editor wand in its basic state can move already placed bricks. By going in its more advanced mode (Ctrl+E) the user can scale the bricks differently, rotate them, or even manually move them. Scaling is based on the X Y Z system. When you hit a brick with the wand you should see its scale as 1 1 1. That’s its default. 1 1 2 will make the brick taller. 1 2 1 will make the brick wider and 2 1 1 will make the brick  fatter .

Making a mover (basic)
To start creating a mover the wrench setting must be at  brick mover mode . Hit the block that you wish to become a mover with the wrench and a window will appear. Moving is again based on the X Y Z system. If you want the block to become a door Click the  Normal  radio button. If you want to make the block to be an elevator check the Elevator checkmark.

Use the Ezy-mover-mode if the above is too hard.

Making a mover (advanced)
Triggered movers are quite fun to make once you get the hang of it. Create your door/elevator first but this time when in the mover window click on  Triggered . Assign that  Triggered  a number. Make another block and make its movers are at 0 0 0 or your button shall move. Make your button  Trigger  and assign it the same number as  Triggered . Jump/run into your button and the elevator/door should move. If you do not want people to use the door/elevator unless they hit the button simply click  No collision  on the door.

Cloak - Clocks the mover when activated.
Password - puts a password on the mover or  Trigger

To lock your mover or  trigger  use the Key (Located in inventory 5)
« Last Edit: February 24, 2007, 08:15:07 PM by Badspot »

Thank you Kinex!  I've allways wondered how you work these new-fangled computer things.  But seriously, this topic deserves my seal of deserves to be stickyedness.

Good job. This will help out a lot. :)

OMG, that really good info. hmmm never new any of that


How do I tilt a brick or scale one sideways???

Using the editor wand
The editor wand in its basic state can move already placed bricks. By going in its more advanced mode (Ctrl+E) the user can scale the bricks differently, rotate them, or even manually move them. Scaling is based on the X Y Z system. When you hit a brick with the wand you should see its scale as 1 1 1. That’s its default. 1 1 2 will make the brick taller. 1 2 1 will make the brick wider and 2 1 1 will make the brick  fatter .

*Slams head into wall at above post.

To tilt. Hit your brick. Push Ctrl+E Then adjust the rotational values till your happy. Now do I get cookies??!!11!/  :cookieMonster:

Alright thanks.
Now go get you a cookie.

my game wont load plz help  :panda: