Author Topic: Dark Souls Remastered Baybee  (Read 4591 times)

op you forgot a part of the image

[img height=400 ][/img]
Featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry series

please finish lost izalith

aw hell yeah

so this one is actually gonna go on sale, right?

time to attend blightcon 2018

revan is actually the main character and the republic used you to defeat malak

so yeah 6 player coop and dedicated servers

Thots? they also say combat will be exactly the same which i kinda doubt, and i also kinda hope they polish it up a bit

hope they make it where rolling diagonally doesnt require the blessing of every god that has ever existed and the aligning of every planet and moon in the entire galaxy for it to not forget up

there are definitely some quality of life improvements they've made to combat that i would be disappointed to see go. i can appreciate wanting to be true as possible to the original but i would rather just see ds:r be a superior version of the game all around

The Dark Souls of Dark Souls.

I just hope they balance stuff