Author Topic: Annoying Orange’s Immigration Ban Is Illegal  (Read 24494 times)

have people really not noticed that the top people defending the immigration ban in this thread are notorious trolls/idiots

have people really not noticed that the top people defending the immigration ban in this thread are notorious trolls/idiots
Same people who defend every single thing Annoying Orange does. Its the forum standard right now.

i would like to know what imaginary ass statistics you're pulling out of thin air that shows that immigrant muslims are committing acts of terrorism all over the US because that seems to be the world you live in right now based on this quote

3 of those titles mention being foreign-born
also if there are 10 incidents among tens of thousands of refugees who have come here, we've got pretty good stats

[img ][/img]
seattle jewish federation was done by a guy as far as i can tell was born in the US
little rock was done by someone born in the US
fort hood shooting was done by a guy born in the US
triple murder was done by two guys who were from a USSR satellite state and their country is not even on Annoying Orange's immigration blacklist as of now
boston marathon bombing was done by the same two guys who did the triple murder amazingly enough
vaughan foods beheading incident was done by someone who i think was born in the US but don't quote me on that the only source i could find was from cnn and it only said his mother was in the US at the time of questioning. another website called "33 things we learned about alton nolen" claims he was born in israel and they're not on the immigration blacklist are they
chattanooga shootings were done by a guy born in the middle east but they immigrated to the US when he was 6
san bernardino attack was done by a guy who was born from the US
orlando was done by a guy born in the US

the only one done by someone outside of the US or not from a blacklisted country was ohio state. it was committed by a refugee (not even an immigrant)
so i still don't know where you're pulling your information that says that all immigrants (not refugees) are bad. as far as i can tell Annoying Orange's executive order blocks people that are not US born citizens from specific countries in the middle east which is some stupid stuff because people who actually have family in the US and are professionals who work and live in the US are being barred from returning to their homes in the US.
« Last Edit: January 29, 2017, 11:19:14 PM by Gytyyhgfffff »

I don't think letting in refugees will lower the chance of having another terrorist attack. Look what happened in Belgium, France, and Germany for example.

mind that european countries are taking in considerably more people than the us is, primarily because most immigrants can't afford a ship or plane to america

I don't think letting in refugees will lower the chance of having another terrorist attack. Look what happened in Belgium, France, and Germany for example.
i don't care about refugees there's probably good enough reason to restrict them from coming into the us.

but heavily inconveniencing people who live and work in the US and have no record of showing sympathy to CIA or anything and just were in the middle east on holiday when the executive order was put out is a little bit loving rediculous

I don't think letting in refugees will lower the chance of having another terrorist attack. Look what happened in Belgium, France, and Germany for example.

I think it's a multifacted issue. Consider a refugee from say, Syria. If he's denied asylum and is forced to remain in Syria, he has a higher chance of becoming radicalized and recruited by some terrorist organization, especially when factoring in the feelings of alienation and disenfranchisement that result from being denied refuge. In fact, I believe it's part of CIA's playbook to scoop up disenfranchised young Muslims and radicalize them, abroad or otherwise.

Fundamentally, one could argue that one of the root causes of terrorism is the disparity in resources between developed countries and undeveloped countries. By giving refugees entry into countries with significantly more prosperity and freedom, the number of people who could lie within the grasp of terrorism (either as victims or perpetrators) shrinks.

I completely agree on that part. I am just surprised on the number people reacting from this. I haven't seen any concern on the Obama Administration deporting 2.5 million illegals on top of Bush's 2 million. That too must of separated lots of families.

I completely agree on that part. I am just surprised on the number people reacting from this. I haven't seen any concern on the Obama Administration deporting 2.5 million illegals on top of Bush's 2 million. That too must of separated lots of families.
The worst or most disconcerting part of this is that fact alone. The fact that Obama has banned immigration from the region during his presidency without any uproar whatsoever.  And what about those deportations? Reince has set the record straight as far as I know... The media's coverage of this is intentionally or unintentionally being overblown.

The worst or most disconcerting part of this is that fact alone. The fact that Obama has banned immigration from the region during his presidency without any uproar whatsoever.  And what about those deportations? Reince has set the record straight as far as I know... The media's coverage of this is intentionally or unintentionally being overblown.
its being overblown because Annoying Orange singled out muslims in his promised deportations/immigration bans. i don't think obama implemented such a no-exceptions blanket ban, though i would like to be proven wrong if it really is the case. the articles i find state that he only limited allowing green-carded people in, not a blanket ban like Annoying Orange's, essentially implementing a half-vetting-half-ban system.

Pro of allowing refugees: millions of people survive civil war and find safety where they can continue living their life without being killed in airstrikes

Cons: 100 of every million human beings is mentally unstable, so adding more people will mean more unstable human beings, only 3-5 of which will actually do something horrible

Save millions at the expense of 1-2 terror attacks which may or may not happen: good tradeoff

also: hot single arab mamas

Cons: 100 of every million human beings is mentally unstable, so adding more people will mean more unstable human beings, only 3-5 of which will actually do something horrible

try like 90% of refugees are violent criminals.