Author Topic: Coming back to Blockland and my Youtube account  (Read 807 times)

Hopefully you guys don't mind a topic like this, otherwise just ignore simply. Have a nice day

To start off on the coming back to Blockland side of things:

In the past I have known to be a bit immature as most people are at a younger age, and this is just to get this clear; I am done with any and all immature behavior from the past.

I won't be having any stupid rage discussions or such simply because it is pointless and I have left that behind.

Now onto my You-tube account and Steam Account:

If you didn't read the second half of the title, I currently working hard on a YouTube channel. I am hoping to get a job sometime doing review on tech and Gameplays on YouTube and any Subs or comments make me all that much closer to that dream of doing so. So kudos to all who support me!

My Youtube Channel:

Steam ID:
Find it in my sig, and add me. I will play pretty much any genre and record it, with anybody who wants to do so. Contact me on steam for my Skype account and we can make that happen.


If anybody can link me some add-on scripting guides and modeling guides for a simple program is greatly appreciated. Once I have learned these skills I will take requests that you guys send me!

Hopefully you guys enjoy my YouTube channel and want to game with me


who are you again?
Used to go by Hydraulic or spartan 66

Used to go by Hydraulic or spartan 66
Sounds very familier

Sounds very familier
Probably is :D, being by my old posts. Kind of wished I hadn't posted some of those, non of that stuff from now on though.