
Favorite lane?

Bot Lane
57 (35.2%)
Middle Lane
46 (28.4%)
Top Lane
36 (22.2%)
Jungle Lane
23 (14.2%)

Total Members Voted: 162

Author Topic: League of Legends - Megathread  (Read 428761 times)


eve is op

one more:

« Last Edit: July 03, 2012, 03:35:50 PM by johnnyboy »

morgana afk farm till she can stroll into middle of enemy team and ult+ zhonyas. easiest wins of my lyfe
With Veigar you can never really do that kind of thing effectively.

Mid or Nothing
we have to get a group of us to do this

Actually, I want to do a normal blind pick with 4 other blocklanders. I will be AD Veigar.

So did Chrono make the cool team? Because I wanted to join it.

Actually, I want to do a normal blind pick with 4 other blocklanders. I will be AD Veigar.
adcarry veigar op dooitz
we should do that team thing though. i need to play like, soraka mid or yorick top or something and crush lane.

spent about 3k on wards as lee sin. yay

Haven't started yet and I thought I added you. Then again I had to add everyone like 3 times for some reason.

adcarry veigar op dooitz
I'm torn on starting runes/masteries.
However, my main idea is to rush black cleaver and play with ignite.

Why did this never happen
« Last Edit: July 03, 2012, 11:34:10 PM by Katadeus »

Haven't started yet and I thought I added you. Then again I had to add everyone like 3 times for some reason.
Add me too please!

Sir Bricksalot

Haven't started yet and I thought I added you. Then again I had to add everyone like 3 times for some reason.
I made the attempt to add you, so maybe that will work.

I'm thinking of playing this game. Is there a guide for newbies?

you should definitely play it, but honestly the way I learned was just watching others. i suggest you watch some pro player streams (they stream to make money). for example TSM's streams.

a few early tips:
1. when you're not level 30 your'e not going to be using their "meta" or strategy - having one person in the jungle and one person soloing top lane - very often, so just be prepared to do anything
2. don't get frustrated with trolls - you'll eventually get to level 30 and if you're good enough, get to higher levels of play.
3. when you're new to the game, find champions you like playing and learn their moveset - if you can master one champ, usually it branches off into another role with champs that are similar to it

vocabulary you should know:
mia - missing in action, called when the enemy laner(s) are not in lane with you. this could mean that they could be roaming the map and looking to kill other people elsewhere
gank - when you, another teammate or the full team comes and attempts to kill one person. for instance, you could have someone coming in from the side of the lane - from river brush - and they stun the enemy laner, letting you do a lot of damage and hopefully pick up the kill
burst damage - a lot of damage that's dealt at one time and then they have no more damage
sustained damage - damaged dealt over time; champions that can continually deal damage
dps - damage per second, similar to sustained damage

also find someone you like to play with that plays the game and do what's called "duo queueing" where you join a game together so that you're on the same team. it makes the game a lot more fun and the trolls more handleable.