Author Topic: Good morning you fat forgets. Reminder to stop being a disgusting slob  (Read 5639 times)

You will either suffer from obesity, or suffer during your gym sessions.

Hungry, you fat pig? Eat shiritaki/konjac noodles. An entire bowl of them is like 50 calories. Ketchup and other sauces have a ton of calories/sugar and there are alternatives that taste just as good. Celery fills you up and had virtually zero calories.

Buy a VR headset to fuel your crippling gaming addiction. Fast paced games like shooters give you a better workout than you’d expect. You’re also having fun while doing it.

I’m glad the message was loud and clear. Now go run a mile.

Man I already did a threadmill exercise with weight, tired rn

Are you a WingsOfRedemption? Or are you not a fat slob? Go run another mile an hour before you sleep.

beat saber is actually fun as forget and everyone with vr should try it

stop projecting your insecurities onto the rest of us mr. "sheepocalypse" if that even is your real name

i'm underweight and if i burn any more calories than i do now with my sedentary lifestyle i'll probably get very sick lmao

i'm underweight and if i burn any more calories than i do now with my sedentary lifestyle i'll probably get very sick lmao
Hit the gym, skeleton king. Eugenia Cooney. STICK BUG.

Imagine racking up pusillanimous individual after getting shredded. Lines out the door

Imagine racking up pusillanimous individual after getting shredded.
Im sorry but I cant take this line seriously with your cat pfp.

i walked like 6km the other day and killed my feet
i need new shoes
also eat eggs, they're good for you

Good. Yes get protein. Beef jerky is good if you can balance out your sodium intake. Potassium and magnesium supplements are good for that and for working out. (Both those minerals are hard to get from food)

sorry to busy renovating houses for people to work out.

i do trampoline workouts and scoot the block after bashing a pound of meatloaf and chugging brews

also good morning and ill try

forget you i just ate a southern platter after walking 4 miles and 20 flights of stairs. now i'm gonna sleep and have vivid dreams about your mom. eat stuff.