Author Topic: The Girls only server.  (Read 7169 times)

Like I said they are handicapped.

I lol'd. Not because that's a handicapped girl, but because you think it is.

Oh nice he was pretending to be a girl. You fooled me to bad server crashed we have to wait again, I heard the password is maria if it is someone try to get me unbanned.

i'm still contemplating going in

I'll go in...

Once I feel like it  :cookieMonster:

don't worry im gonna crash there server for the hell of it  :cookieMonster:

don't crash it, put random loveist comments everywhere

don't crash it, put random loveist comments everywhere
even better :o

I changed my name just now, went on there, spammed the chat, was muted, then I whispered to the admin "RAWRRAWRRAWRRAWRRAWR" and was kicked because: "u,u,", joined again, kicked again, joined again,

My time was short but oh well. D=

Maybe they are pmsing.

-edit- server is back up guys.
« Last Edit: September 15, 2008, 01:00:31 AM by zombie.cxnt »

I went there under the name "a REAL girl" and the only admin there was Looneassassen. I told him/her that Badspot said the server and halo sucked, and wasen't banned. Ten minutes later Looneassassen says: "Badspot, you little bitch..."

They are Halo fancigarettes/lesbians/guys pretending to be girls. They are evolving, run!

They are Halo fancigarettes/lesbians/guys pretending to be girls. They are evolving, run!

I went there under the name "a REAL girl" and the only admin there was Looneassassen. I told him/her that Badspot said the server and halo sucked, and wasen't banned. Ten minutes later Looneassassen says: "Badspot, you little bitch..."


if you think there has been a single girl in that server ever you are mistaken.
« Last Edit: September 15, 2008, 01:51:46 PM by Bisjac »