Author Topic: unpopular blockland opinions  (Read 14515 times)

i enjoyed tezunis prison escape and would rather have that then crowns considering i can just hop on gmod and play a better version of it

numpad brick controls are stupid

jailbreak is constantly just same stuff different day no matter when i join
speedkart is forgetin lame
grapple knife is ok
maps sucked ass
torque is a good engine
the best of servers are never dedicated for over a week
limerick is stuff oh wait that ain't unpopular damn

servers with too many rules in them need to be abolished

^^^this honestly. unless the game is reaaaaly complicated, the only rules should be to use common sense and that admins have the final say

skiing on the slopes was boring as forget

Strafe steering is the way to go

Strafe steering is the way to go

^ mouse steering feels awkward and unnatural

I like having complete morons on my server

speedkart is forgetin lame
grapple knife is ok
Strafe steering is the way to go
^ mouse steering feels awkward and unnatural
these are literally incorrect opinions

grapple knife is ok
do you kiss your mother with that mouth

crowns jailbreak is the worst jailbreak i have ever played

I don't think the shadows and shaders update was such a good idea. The devs sold it to us under the idea that it would lead to more updates that would do great things with the game that couldn't be done otherwise. But after that update, there were no more major updates. It basically just made the game prettier, with no other major things being added afterwards. Maps weren't SO important to begin with, but we basically gave them up for no reason. I don't really care if the game is pretty or not.

The shadows and shaders update was basically just a move to make the game look less dated and more new and hip to new buyers on Steam, specifically so Blockland would sell better on Steam and for no other reason. It didn't actually innovate the game at all as promised, it just made it easier to sell.

blockland isn't dying

I don't think the shadows and shaders update was such a good idea. The devs sold it to us under the idea that it would lead to more updates that would do great things with the game that couldn't be done otherwise. But after that update, there were no more major updates. It basically just made the game prettier, with no other major things being added afterwards. Maps weren't SO important to begin with, but we basically gave them up for no reason. I don't really care if the game is pretty or not.

The shadows and shaders update was basically just a move to make the game look less dated and more new and hip to new buyers on Steam, specifically so Blockland would sell better on Steam and for no other reason. It didn't actually innovate the game at all as promised, it just made it easier to sell.
pretty sure badspot explicitly said it was to sell better on steam, i could be wrong though. Also not liking the shaders update is not an unpopular opinion lol