Author Topic: The 500 Million Year Button  (Read 4431 times)

Imagine that you could push a button that would generate $10,000 every time you pushed it, but after pushing it your consciousness would be trapped in an empty void for 500 million years, unable to sleep or die, with nothing to do but think. After the time is up, your consciousness would return to your body exactly as it was when you pressed the button and all memory of those 500 million years would be completely wiped. Would you push it?

Yeah no, forget that

whats stopping me from manifesting a physical form through cognitive abnormalities in the void so i can    100% Speedrun Plants vs. Zombies GOTY Edition on Nintendo DS

whats stopping me from manifesting a physical form through cognitive abnormalities in the void so i can    100% Speedrun Plants vs. Zombies GOTY Edition on Nintendo DS
a man of culture i see

whats stopping me from manifesting a physical form through cognitive abnormalities in the void so i can    100% Speedrun Plants vs. Zombies GOTY Edition on Nintendo DS
well actually the DS version was criticized for having poorer graphics and a higher price than its other counterparts

pros: literally infinite time to think through any problem in the world mentally in a isolated space where i am immortal with no disturbances. solve every known question ever and when you come back there are no mental defects due to not remembering it and no time passes
cons: none. you get money for doing it

i feel like while in your 500 million year wait at some point you’d just develop into a trans like state

i would get a close friend to hit the button. because only his consciousness gets sent to the void, the money would appear instantly and since he wouldn't remember what happened in the void he wouldn't get mad at me; then we could share

500 million years is like practically forever. no thanks

and for 10,000 dollars? i could make that in less than 1 year

i think once u pass the 1000-year point, people start realizing how crazy long that is and that you'd probably experience going insane and probably not want to do that. the fact you wouldn't remember it after coming back though is what makes this a tantalizing option though - do we subject ourselves to a seemingly infinite span of time to go insane to improve a future self of our past self, once that time is up? are we really the same person given so much time and thoughts/insanity has been lost in the process?

well actually the DS version was criticized for having poorer graphics and a higher price than its other counterparts
theres a dsi/disware version that runs better

go so insane you loop back to being sane again... very sane

your consciousness would be trapped in an empty void for 500 million years, unable to sleep or die, with nothing to do but think. After the time is up, your consciousness would return to your body exactly as it was when you pressed the button and all memory of those 500 million years would be completely wiped. Would you push it?

Okay so first of all, this probably happens to everyone all the time but they don't realize it.

If you do shrooms you'll probably know what I'm talking about.

But anyone who gets a flash of deja vu it feels like millions of years have passed when in reality only 2 seconds have passed.

So people who do experience 500 million years of consciousness but since your memory is wiped you don't remember it so 500 million years will feel like 2 seconds.

With that being said, no I would not actively do that bullstuff for 10,000 dollars. I'd do it for a few million dollars.

I hate Deja Vu to begin with, why would I want to purposely create it?