Author Topic: How far can you get in this game?  (Read 15298 times)

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[Blockland Scandium  is required to view this post.]

people just keep beating away at the horse, don't they

people just keep beating away at the horse, don't they

there's not a horse left to beat

Pretty sure most of the people posting around here would be banned if the topics were meaningful enough that people cared to report all the spam posts.
wait, if he cares enough to complain about it why doesn't he care enough to report them

wait, if he cares enough to complain about it why doesn't he care enough to report them
badspot has seen those kinds of posts and it seem he doesn't care unless it's huge a huge pagestretch or emote spam

I think I reported them a while back anyway
« Last Edit: May 11, 2015, 09:35:22 AM by Maxwell. »

Does anyone here actually play it regularly, Because i got it a while ago and whenever i connect nobody is online?

i do sometimes

fob plays every now and then
we found 300gp in a volcano

i do sometimes
Hey sometime soon can i play with you guys?

I wonder if AoT has its own version of The Farlands.

I wonder if AoT has its own version of The Farlands.
Probably does