Author Topic: Blockland Forum food for thought. | The two users theory  (Read 2840 times)

The only two REAL users are me and randomtroll39, nobody else.
Wait a minute...

I noticed a lot of people here act like a hive-mind.

People not liking you or your posts does not make everyone a hive mind.
But I get it, it's all a conspiracy! You cant possibly be to blame for backlash on your posts.

as the sole owner of 84641 forum accounts, we have convened the inner council to decide that OP is a handicap

Unless your friend controls all the accounts.
keyword "friends", not singular friend

What if I'm the only unique user but I have 3 alts?

do these "npc" know they are "npc"?

ok that would be stupid because i've played games with forum users

Are some people not sentient beings? This is just dumb because lizard-people do not exist. However if they did, they'd probably be extinct.

i got a gamer theory people who make hive minds are loving bored and are rboring who the f uck would want to make a bunch of different accounts to act like theyre all different at least then i can call one guy a loving loser 26 or 27 times

Ad hominem, again.
is this all you're programmed to say, tony-bot

is this all you're programmed to say, tony-bot

I am the least robotic person here.