Windows Vista

Author Topic: Windows Vista  (Read 5033 times)

I just got a windows vista but RTB dosent seem to work. is RTB compatable with windows vista?

Which type of video card are you using?

Try Changing the graphics settings manually on Blockland to something other then OpenGL.

I just got a windows vista but RTB dosent seem to work. is RTB compatable with windows vista?

Thats what happens when you torrent vista.  Shame on you!

I just got a windows vista but RTB dosent seem to work. is RTB compatable with windows vista?

Thats what happens when you torrent vista.  Shame on you!

I didn't TORRENT it..

As far as I know, TGE is not compatible with Windows Vista (atleast 1.3 and down I think) aren't. RTB Doods can't fix that so er... find a new game to play or get Windows XP :)

As far as I know, TGE is not compatible with Windows Vista (atleast 1.3 and down I think) aren't. RTB Doods can't fix that so er... find a new game to play or get Windows XP :)

How come Trader claimed Vanilla worked, (which is clearly a lower engine then 1.3) then?

Which type of video card are you using?

Try Changing the graphics settings manually on Blockland to something other then OpenGL.

how do you do that?


$pref::Audio::driver = "OpenAL";
$pref::Audio::driver = "D3D";

but being a idiot im prob wrong =X


$pref::Audio::driver = "OpenAL";
$pref::Audio::driver = "D3D";

but being a idiot im prob wrong =X

Tails, change "Audio" to "Video" and it MAY work.

oh yeah, told u im a idiot =D


  • Administrator
If it doesn't run in vista, it is almost certainly a driver problem.