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Author Topic: The Brighter Dark's ISLAND DOGFIGHT  (Read 28827 times)

If it'd had the room, I would've said a second P-50 Mustang

Maybe a heedicalking turret, like what the bases have?
it already has one

still trying to figure out how to make capturing the point worthwhile

give it a submarine
that would fit in well I think. I'd make most of it modterrain and have a flat platform on top around the top entrance/bridge

still trying to figure out how to make capturing the point worthwhile
maybe you could have a special weapon that can't be saved/loaded, which Heed did on his island tdm
« Last Edit: September 17, 2014, 12:28:55 AM by Farad »

still trying to figure out how to make capturing the point worthwhile
maybe it allows them access to more vehicles and weapon choices?

Give it an anti air thingy

To shoot down that annoying mustang plane

It was suggested via pm that I add a flying tank? Would it be good if that was a vehicle for this new cap?

It was suggested via pm that I add a flying tank? Would it be good if that was a vehicle for this new cap?
why not just give admin to whoever caps it lol

A flying tank would be completely op and completely awesome.

Please add it.