Author Topic: your family is asleep and you're playing Blockland on a cool 2010 summer night  (Read 5097 times)

I logged in for the first time in a while to say how sad this makes me. The nostalgia is good but the tears aren't.

This whole segment was part of my life for years, even the RTB sounds, oh god the feels.

The old menu sounds. Wow.

waking up at 5am to play irk's challenge before school
HOLY forget

oh my god

this is the best and saddest thing I've ever heard

Man I miss the good old days of this game

This brought me on the feels-ride that i did not know i needed.


just get b4v21 lol its literally v20 and it also has a steam edition

just get b4v21 lol its literally v20 and it also has a steam edition
it was cool and call in the start of it but it kind of died down, not very active anymore

My Blockland nostalgia is just me working on an FPS game I wouldn't finish while listening to vocoded memes while eating gumballs I got from 711 on a cool 2017 weekend night.

My Blockland nostalgia is just me working on an FPS game I wouldn't finish while listening to vocoded memes while eating gumballs I got from 711 on a cool 2017 weekend night.

imagine getting back to the past with these memories

wheres you're playing blockland on a cool 2010 summer night while your parents argue about getting a divorce