Author Topic: Snow White [24058], Derreck [?], Enjoy others saved work.  (Read 5845 times)

Sorry.Explain to me,please?
Badspot doesn't approve of players attempting to prevent other people from saving bricks on a server.
If you don't want the things you've built to be saved by other people then you should play on Singleplayer.

I don't know if there's a precedent for it, but it wouldn't be surprising if Badspot banned someone from the forums if it was found out that they tried to disable saving on their server, and possibly even a revoke of their key.
Basically, just don't try to stop people from saving bricks on servers. That is part of the game, like it or lump it.

I admit, I have used others work before. But if I use someone elses work, I make sure to get permission from that person and give full credit to them if Im hosting a server.

If someone posted a build of yours in gallery and claimed it as theirs it wouldnt be a problem to you???
no because its a lego build. its not like they stole my job or something

no because its a lego build. its not like they stole my job or something
must not build anything good then

Welp, credit is finally given, it was a hassle.
I still disapprove the use of others saves...
Too bad. There is nothing you can do, there isn't even a moral problem here.

must not build anything good then
dude i think you set block on fire with that burn

must not build anything good then
i dont understand. are you legitimately going to be cry if someone took your build and claimed it as theirs? why. shouldnt you be happy that your build is worth taking and posing as the creator of?

i dont understand. are you legitimately going to be cry if someone took your build and claimed it as theirs? why. shouldnt you be happy that your build is worth taking and posing as the creator of?
I dont mind if they appreciate my build and want to use it as part of their build. But if they take something that I made and put it on the gallery claiming it was theirs I'd be upset. I shouldn't be happy if someone claimed their build as mine lol

I dont mind if they appreciate my build and want to use it as part of their build. But if they take something that I made and put it on the gallery claiming it was theirs I'd be upset. I shouldn't be happy if someone claimed their build as mine lol
my build as theirs, I mean

But if they take something that I made and put it on the gallery claiming it was theirs I'd be upset.
why. does it matter whos it is? if you know you built it, thats all you need. you dont need some boobs approval over the internet or to show that you are a grade A+ master builder on blockland. guy claims it as theirs, gets 30 seconds of internet fame from the blockland forums and everyone moves on.

if people feel the need to take things and call themselves the original creator, at the end of the day no one really cares.

frankly we need more people to build maps that we can play on instead of being a class A douchebag and hovering in the gallery section just to brag about "beautiful" scenery. i dont even bother with gallery builds that dont provide an actual save file. either make yourself useful or dont bother

Hosting a server publicly gives anyone and everyone access to saving your build. If you dislike this feature, password your server or don't host at all.

It's horrible when others take credit for something they didn't make, I hope Snow White feels remorse for calling your work hers. It's plagiarism what she's done, and it isn't right.

It's horrible when others take credit for something they didn't make, I hope Snow White feels remorse for calling your work hers. It's plagiarism what she's done, and it isn't right.
she never took credit for it

Just joined snow white's server, heres what I found out. Snow white is lying and denies everything. Take a look at these pics.

I want to clear this up.

A) I did not take credit for the map.
B) I did take down the map as sos339 asked me to, and I did tell him/her that I would do so.
C) The server was never a launch, it was still a WIP.
D) A new map is being built.

Off Topic: I am a guy (to all of you who called me a 'she').