Author Topic: Could someone send me Iban's CRPG mod?  (Read 1688 times)

I've been looking for a download link for a while. A lot of people tell me that they have it, but won't send me a file. Thank you!

Bc it's in the failbin

Why is it there? are there any other public CRPGs?

isnt iban's city rp the mod with all the backdoor/exploits/other malicious contents?

which mod is it that everyone seems to have, with the drug bricks?

I don't want to use the mod, I just want to see the script

If you're trying to learn how to code I would suggest you don't look at Iban's or any of the circlejerk edits for coding help.

Iban's is the only one that I know of that's public, do you have/know of any other resources?

I've looked through the mod help threads, I just have a few things specific to Blockland mechanics that I don't know how to work

If you're trying to learn how to code I would suggest you don't look at Iban's or any of the circlejerk edits for coding help.
iban's code is pretty nice though in a lot of ways

i haven't seen what kind of frankenstein's monster the circulating versions right now are, since they've had so many other coders (many of which are/were fairly new to the biznu) tack on their additions, but iban's code alone is nice enough

ahh hell yeah, thanks log!