Author Topic: Went paintballing. ama  (Read 969 times)

Nobody probably gives a stuff but whatever

Sooooooooooo birthday happened like 3 weeks ago and I decided to do airsoft stuff but that stuffs expensive af. Paintballing is for some reason allot cheaper.
Anyway me and my class paintballed for like 3 hours playing TDM, CTF, Domination and FFA.
It was fun
Like allot
Oh and the polish dude ran arround in his underpaint across the field and we got to shoot him and every ball we hit we got a beer. We ended up with 11 beers wich is nice.
So yeah, thats that

Also paintball hurts is like bullstuff. The impact hurts for a split second and then everything is alright. unless they hit you in the loving finger.

Edit: Oh lord what did I start
« Last Edit: February 17, 2016, 02:41:57 PM by espio100 »

Why do you think the AMA meme is still funny/relevant?

Where do you work
Why are you so gay

Why would I want to ask a first timer for their insight into the activity? "Ya it was fun and it kinda hurt then we drank beer."

Last time I did paintball it just kinda hurt because I didn't wear the armor you were supposed to

I went skiing for the first time a couple of weeks ago and ate stuff about a million times. I still have some big bruises on my legs lol. Do you have any big welts? That stuff lasts forever.

are you gay
I will be for you ;)
Last time I did paintball it just kinda hurt because I didn't wear the armor you were supposed to
We didnt get any armor (Except my sister). We just got an overall and thats it. And a mask ofcourse.
Damn it was like so hard to breathe with that thing on and it got really hot inside.

Who is your favorite forumer and why is it sir dooble?

wow espio actually did something manly

i never understood the hype for airsoft. its such a kiddie activity. paintball is clearly the way to go

did you meet a girl you liked, and eat a paintball to impress her