Author Topic: Ubermaze Reloaded  (Read 4091 times)

Yay my favorite maze is back.

As a test this evening i started turning the whole thing into glass. Goddamn that makes it mega mega hard !! Even i couldn't work out where i was going !!! And, i've had a thought about adding a 4th level. So... tomorrow night i will be making this into a 4 level glass maze and saving it out as a new version. Might not be up again till Friday night at the usual time but that does depend on how quickly i can paint and build the new top floor :)

VH. Stop by when you can :)

I can't get in. I sat there and refreshed it for 10 minutes and nobody left. :<

Will the maze revision reset the "Wall Of Fame"?

Nah, i could add a new "4 level glass hall of fame" and rename the other to "3 level painted hall of fame".

Well, i just got home from work, gonna get cracking on it.

Its done, its up, its full and its damned hard. No-one has made it thru yet !!

stop by and get your ass kicked by a real tough maze.

Great job, hitm4n. Between seeing this and Linde's new app, I might have to try my hand at making some mazes. Although I do think I'll start a bit simpler. :)

it gave me a headache, haha

i cheated
but it is a great maze thouugh

Thx all, its good most of you enjoy it, and some even have the patience to work thru it. No mean feat !!

I'll host it a few more nights, and also when i'm bored or not building something else.

Now i'll have to start thinking about whats next. I think the uberoffice/building was enjoyed but it seems a bit simple now. Loads of people do the "build a tower and let people pick a floor and build" type stuff, so thats out and theres plenty of road networks and build a city type servers...

At the back of my mind has been a new maze style... BIG but not necessarily hard. Don't wanna say much more in case i don't start it for a while. I'll have a good think about it tonight.

actually i ahve a maze idea i thought up
it would be easy jsut really repetitive and tedious

nice maze both glass and red ones are nice wish i could try it but i have demo only :( i want retail

Try making images plz D: