Author Topic: [Emitter] Water Drip  (Read 4465 times)


Consists of one emitter that emulates a slow drip. Perfect for leaks of all sorts
Recolors to brick. Drops 12 bricks in height

Download it HERE

oh dang that's nice

what about puddle bricks

you have to save ya wata you oughta you oughta

is it at all possible that you could make a couple different rates for how quickly the water drips? don't exactly know how emitters work but i feel like that'd make it just that more neat
honestly though i'm surprised this has only just now been made lol where has this been this whole time

is it at all possible that you could make a couple different rates for how quickly the water drips? don't exactly know how emitters work but i feel like that'd make it just that more neat
honestly though i'm surprised this has only just now been made lol

Yeah, I was thinking about doing this. Shouldn't be too difficult.
I'll update the emitter with variants soon.