
Is Ekko OP?

He's strong.
Definitely not.
He's weak.

Author Topic: (]League of Legends[) - Ekko released!  (Read 162388 times)

holy stuff her ult looks so fun



Glad to see Ember Spirit's ult in this game.

The cd on her ult is 3 mins

Riot makin champs faster than eminem rappin

The best ranked comeback I've ever had

There was a point in this game where I was 0/4/0, graves was 0/2/0, lee was 0/5/0, irelia was 0/2/0, and veigar was 2/3/0.

My power went out at around 30 mins and I had to reconnect

Veigar started the whole thing by stealing dragon from Nunu with Dark Matter.
With that single spark of hope, we held out and defended carries, and Irelia did crazy Irelia things while Veigar bursted everyone.

The real hero was Veigar anyhow because he never chatted at all when Lee was raging, he just powered through it.
« Last Edit: November 26, 2014, 07:50:58 PM by Katadeus »

I don't understand how you can be so unlucky in ranked.
I've lost majority of my games because even when i do well someone always has to feed an enemy beyond belief...
ugh solo que is so stressful

I don't understand how you can be so unlucky in ranked.
I've lost majority of my games because even when i do well someone always has to feed an enemy beyond belief...
ugh solo que is so stressful
From my experience, if someone is feeding, tell them to just ward up and play safe. Flaming them will make them tilt and feed harder, and at the end of the day, you're just going to have to play around the feeder. One game isn't a lot to lose, considering some people play hundreds of games per season and the math balances out in your favor eventually.

From my experience, if someone is feeding, tell them to just ward up and play safe. Flaming them will make them tilt and feed harder, and at the end of the day, you're just going to have to play around the feeder. One game isn't a lot to lose, considering some people play hundreds of games per season and the math balances out in your favor eventually.
a lot of the times i try to help by asking them to 'just hug the turret' or 'ward the bushes more', then they just go batcrap insane, flame literally everyone and ruin it for themselves. it always seems to be bot lane too, i don't get it.

a lot of the times i try to help by asking them to 'just hug the turret' or 'ward the bushes more', then they just go batcrap insane, flame literally everyone and ruin it for themselves. it always seems to be bot lane too, i don't get it.
Bot lane basically either wins or feeds, and I believe there's something like an 87% chance that at least one lane per team will lose, every game.

I tried out ap Varus on a 1v5 bot game and was expecting I was gonna have a p hard time. Tried alot of other troll builds, ap Heca and such and found it was abit tricky to keep up (after a while they will go as a 5 man squad pressing towers). But ap Varus oh boy. You're stompin! I knew it could be completely possible but man, it's viable honestly. I have yet to try it out in a normal as I'm expecting flamers. Also wondering if I should mid.

However yeah, for those that didn't know (many probably knew bohoo). Ap Varus got great damage. His W does ap dmg on basic attacks, which means he's a permanent Kayle E. The passive also stacks on the target which you detonate with an ability (ap scalin), you already knew this of course. His ult scale with ap, good burst and if the enemy team stays they will suffer the same damage as the first enemy hit and also get rooted.

Nashors, lich bane, and heck yea do dfg.. rabadon, zhonya and w/e.

Tons o dmg

hasnt been a pbe update in a while...