Author Topic: Brickbuilt-style Playertypes (Help!!)  (Read 2188 times)

I created some small brick-built dinos earlier today, and thought it'd be really neat if these models could be converted into player types. I don't know how to convert .bls files into applicable formats for editing or modelling -- or how to get the pieces UV wrapped to retain their texture work.

I think I remember hearing on some other thread that users who create vehicles build them outside of Blockland with exported brick models. I think hat would be feasible for me, considering my models are pretty simple, but I can't speak for certain. If anyone knows anything about this subject please let me know.

Here are my models in case you were curious. Two theropods, one looking to his side, and two sauropods, one standing, the other walking.

I had some additional ideas about using shape images or whatever the term is, to make kinda choppy looking animations by repositioning different pieces, but I want to start off with the basics first.

ur hardest problem would probably be rigging it to not look bad, if you can find a way to import bls files im sure thats a step in the right direction though

ur hardest problem would probably be rigging it to not look bad, if you can find a way to import bls files im sure thats a step in the right direction though

I'm thinking of sticking to the classic horse-style playertype formula. Chest color=body color, bobbing as it walks, that sort of thing.

I'm thinking of sticking to the classic horse-style playertype formula.
Bl horse has some amazing bonework

There's a tool to export Blockland BLS files to OBJ files to import into your preferred modeling software. It's linked below. It's very easy to use.

There's a tool to export Blockland BLS files to OBJ files to import into your preferred modeling software. It's linked below. It's very easy to use.

Thank you. Is there a thread dedicated to this software?