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Topics - masterockets

Pages: [1]
Hahaha, yeah I made one. Right now you are in the CAVE OF MYSTERIES, where you were left at from your expadition. What do?

HP: 10
Level: 1
Pickaxe (Broken)
Red book
5 oddly grey ingots(?)
Character changer
Dark: -2 all actions to left
Light: +1 all actions to right
The stupid spammers:

Games / LBP2
« on: November 25, 2010, 03:35:00 PM »

A sequel to what seems like the greatest building game ever, or maybe is!

With all new graphics, easier way to build, movies, and games, you're sure to have a great time in this adventure
(Currently in BETA)
You can look up some videos of LBP2 and all the mechanics on youtube, including the building tools, Sackbots, Grappling hook, Grabinator, Creatinator, and advanced levels featuring 3-D layouts, FPS, RPG, Puzzles, about every game you can think of you can make it here!
maybe even create a new kind of game!

Coming January 18-19, 2011, near the end of the page has a pre-ordering guide

Forum Games / Some paint adventure; also: THE TRUTH BEHIND ARC'S ADVENTURE
« on: September 11, 2010, 08:16:47 PM »
I have decided to make my own adventure, because some people can't stop bitching at me, I will take any suggestion, unless I can't get all of them. I will try to update it when I can, but there are a lot of things that can hold me back.


You have:

Same Rules, Same game, Different people

6 Overshot
5 Perfect success
4 Success
3 Almost success
2 Fail success
1 Fail

First come, first serve. First poster gets to pick the location of this adventure, and I ignore everything from the idiots that are not playing
1. ?
2. Muzzles

Banned list
Menen: For being an overall cigarette
Squiggles: For being an idiot and saying stupid stuff

Help / Broken textures w/ Rot's locker?
« on: November 25, 2009, 08:21:48 PM »
I found these after I accidentally clicked CTRL+ALT+DEL:


can anyone make the conker's bad fur day face/decal/ears hat?
i will give you 10  :cookie: 's!
Here's a pic:
 Copy and paste it if you arn't able to click it.LOL note: :cookieMonster: :cookie: on a  :nes: eating :iceCream: after a  :panda: ate the  :cookieMonster: 's head.

Pages: [1]