Author Topic: public bathrooms  (Read 2826 times)

I hardly used my school's simply because I never had to pee while at school. I hardly ever peed in the morning too, many people think that's weird.
I'm not afraid to use a public bathroom to piss, but I only poo in one if it's an emergency.

school restrooms are terrifying

Odd, you guys from the US?

I'm having no problems going to a public bathroom here in Finland, usually they are found at malls or stores and most of them are kept clean. No piss on the floors, and there are almost automatic one person wc's outside in the parks what lock automatically and they are very clean.

Odd, you guys from the US?

I'm having no problems going to a public bathroom here in Finland, usually they are found at malls or stores and most of them are kept clean. No piss on the floors, and there are almost automatic one person wc's outside in the parks what lock automatically and they are very clean.
This is how it is in The netherlands as well
but we have to pay like 0.70 EUR to go into the toilets as well

Odd, you guys from the US?

I'm having no problems going to a public bathroom here in Finland, usually they are found at malls or stores and most of them are kept clean. No piss on the floors, and there are almost automatic one person wc's outside in the parks what lock automatically and they are very clean.

Americans are slobs.

For me, I have no issue using public restrooms. I just don't touch things.

I only use gas station bathrooms.

This is how it is in The netherlands as well
but we have to pay like 0.70 EUR to go into the toilets as well
Yeah the free toilet only locks the door for 20 min max, there is another toilet whats a bit better but it costs like a little over an euro.

it's not even the restrooms that terrify me it's asking to go to them in the middle of class which is why I've never been to do anything except vomit

Back when i was in highschool some kid in my class took stuffs on the floor of like every bathroom in the school and smeared it all over the toilets, door handles and sinks then posted pics of it on facebook.

Back when i was in highschool some kid in my class took stuffs on the floor of like every bathroom in the school and smeared it all over the toilets, door handles and sinks then posted pics of it on facebook.

Did he have a condition or...?

Did he have a condition or...?
Well he was an odd kid but i didnt really know him

i enjoy public bathrooms. in fact, i have a checklist of all the public bathrooms in the world i want to visit. sometimes i even go out of my house to evacuate in a public bathroom instead of my own, just for fun. sometimes i sleep at public bathrooms, toilets are pretty comfy and the seats are always warm so its always a good choice

Back when i was in highschool some kid in my class took stuffs on the floor of like every bathroom in the school and smeared it all over the toilets, door handles and sinks then posted pics of it on facebook.

same things happened to me except they dont post on fb

school restrooms are terrifying
Tfw you're taking a stuff and there's no toilet paper.

it's not even the restrooms that terrify me it's asking to go to them in the middle of class which is why I've never been to do anything except vomit
we aren't even allowed to leave class to use the bathroom unless we have a medical excuse from a doctor

No thank you. I went to the public bathroom in my school to go release some waste. When I opened the stall, I saw the toilet overflowed with poop and a sign stuck on the top of the pile of poop inscribed with "8th Wonder of the world". I had no words and just exited the bathroom.