Author Topic: Doom Weapons  (Read 13695 times)

Plasma gun

Rocket Launcher



Super Shotgun

but what would the model look like

i thought about making all the doom weapons but i just stopped at the bfg

pretty sure someone already made the doom 2 pistol

pretty sure someone already made the doom 2 pistol

but that's why I didn't include it, somebody already did it.

I thought there was a whole weapon pack already made

EDIT: Nevermind, That was the half life weapon pack. I don't know what to say...

cause i can't script stuff

did you model it?
because maybe if you model them, somebody else could script it.

my suggestion is that you take a bunch of the quake weapons and set their eyeOffset to 0 0 0 or something or find the right eye offset ingame by typing WeaponImageName.eyeOffset = "x y z"; transmitdatablocks(); in the console

my suggestion is that you take a bunch of the quake weapons and set their eyeOffset to 0 0 0 or something or find the right eye offset ingame by typing WeaponImageName.eyeOffset = "x y z"; transmitdatablocks(); in the console

not what I'm looking for, but thanks.

well you can basically emulate a doom weapon pack in like 30 minutes, or you can have someone model a whole pack over the course of the week. if you REALLy need it asap, just consider doing it yourself quickly without modeling or scripting