Author Topic: Blockland Display Initialization Failed  (Read 1115 times)

After upgrading from windows 7 to windows 8, I reinstalled blockland. However, I can't play it because I get this message when I try to open it. I'm having trouble following the instructions at the driver update page because there have been updates to ati's site.

If it helps, I have an ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4250.


W 8 sux and you need to get back to 7.

You probably just need to get drivers for your graphics card for Windows 8.

64-bit or 32-bit?


W 8 sux and you need to get back to 7.
I didn't ask for your opinion. Go away.

You probably just need to get drivers for your graphics card for Windows 8.

64-bit or 32-bit?
64-bit. How do I get drivers then?

Thanks. Trying it now.

Unfortunately, I have a new issue. When I bought Blockland, I used an email with comcast. After switching providers, they deleted the email which stored my blockland key. When I upgraded to windows 8, I lost all of my files including most of the hundreds of notepad files with my key on them I had. I remember my key, but I don't remember the order the segments go in. Help :(((

I think proof of purchase (such as PayPal payment confirmation or amazon order history) would be enough to get the key back, contact to sort this out.

Unfortunately, I have a new issue. When I bought Blockland, I used an email with comcast. After switching providers, they deleted the email which stored my blockland key. When I upgraded to windows 8, I lost all of my files including most of the hundreds of notepad files with my key on them I had. I remember my key, but I don't remember the order the segments go in. Help :(((

You could keep guessing at the order of the segments until you get it right.

your first segment is AAWHV if that helps

actually, it's AAYMB. this is not my usual key, i have no idea what email i used for it and i have no care for using it. i want my old key.

You could keep guessing at the order of the segments until you get it right.

Just write down the segments. And start switching them around.


The first part you already know, so the possible combinations are:

That's only six different combinations, just try them out. ^.^

66249952919459433152512 combinations later...

Just write down the segments. And start switching them around.


The first part you already know, so the possible combinations are:

That's only six different combinations, just try them out. ^.^

The other issue is that I don't remember CCCC. I am a moron.

I'm awaiting a reply from the support email