Author Topic: Lando The Climber - Hijacking accounts. (Including MrMcCakey.)  (Read 14691 times)

Lando the Climber created a fake java game and sent it to multiple people. Frontrox sent it to even more accidentally, as they are close friends and Frontrox didn't realize what it was. It was really a keylogger.
He sent it to me as well, but I noticed it didn't take up much space at all, and checked it.

No game files, but a connection to the internet. I realized it was a virus.
Unfortunately, MrMcCakey got hijacked trying to play it as well.;u=35982

5:28 PM - Cakey: So, yesterday, Lando asked me to test out a game he made in Java.
5:28 PM - Cakey: I obliged,
5:28 PM - Cakey: but little did I know he was getting access to my computer.
5:29 PM - Cakey: And today was really weird.
5:30 PM - Cakey: So, I was minding my own business when a gay research picture popped up in my browser.
5:30 PM - Cakey: Even for you, no offense, it's disgusting and you wouldn't want to see it.
5:30 PM - Frontrox: Goatse?
5:30 PM - Cakey: Yes.
5:30 PM - Cakey: But
5:30 PM - Cakey: Anyway
5:30 PM - Frontrox: Yeah, that's nothing, lol
5:31 PM - Cakey: A chat window, ran by java, popped up.
5:31 PM - Cakey: And,
5:31 PM - Cakey: It was lando talking to me under the name "Controller" talking in generic moron mode.
5:31 PM - Cakey: And, a little bit later.
5:31 PM - Cakey: He got on my forum account
5:32 PM - Cakey: And posted a giant
5:32 PM - Cakey: GIANT
5:32 PM - Cakey: furry research image
5:32 PM - Frontrox: I saw
5:33 PM - Cakey: And immediately after, he told me "HOLY forget YOU POSTED A GAINT IMAGE IN DRAMA"

Logs he sent out.
Lando The Climber: I dont think anyone would go through the hassle of doing that
Lando The Climber: The fun is over
Lando The Climber: one of my dingdong friends directly hotlinked to bestgore which is an instantban
Lando The Climber: his password was -snip-
Lando The Climber: Really stuffty keylogger

Some more fun from Lando.

Lando tried to hijack multiple people, including me. He got MrMcCakey and is still sending people the file.
Don't play anything he sends you.

Now Eepos told me it was Okiver, soooo.

I'm confused.

Good job, detective Zealot.

Now Eepos told me it was Okiver, soooo.

I'm confused.

its not okiver, that cigarette is long gone. eepos could be pulling a stuff troll move to save lando.

Now Eepos told me it was Okiver, soooo.

I'm confused.
Eepos is just trying to stir up problems as usual.

Plad {YoB}: Looking to play...
Plad {YoB}: Seeing as it's you i read that in a Jigsaw voice.
Lando The Climber: hrm
Plad {YoB}: Idk it seemed fitting
Plad {YoB}: Do you know a Pacha?
Lando The Climber: Yes.
Plad {YoB}: Why are you people sending me Friend requests?
Lando The Climber: Because we demand companionship

Badspot, please, give Lando² a gift.

Pacha is BanishedLetters, plad...

Eepos is just trying to stir up problems as usual.
Alright I guess. It is probably Lando.

Don't blame Frontrox for any of this. He was just trying to help his friend and didn't realize it was a keylogger.

a ban


it isn't that hard to figure that out

I'm blaming Frontrox for all of it.

MrMcCakey is asking if Badspot could please take the key off his account so that he could make a new one.